
Target sells bourbon? I need to get out more.

Yes that's who I was thinking of. I haven't seen Shannyn in anything since Rules! I'll have to look Naya Rivera up, maybe she'll be my new style inspiration.

Is that the Rules of Attraction actress? I adore her style.

I think that's really a sweet sentiment from Snooki, actually. I knew a young mother who had a daughter that was born premature and was a little bit smaller and cognitively OK but just a little delayed, and she told me she wanted her daughter to be a lesbian because she thought it would be a gentler life for her. I

Next week, Alicia Silverstone will weigh in with her opinion of Edward Snowden's decision to leak NSA materials, George W. Bush will pick Anne Hathaway's next eveningwear selection, and Britney Spears will decry Monsanto in the series of famous people giving entitled opinions on matters unrelated to them or their

You can also buy Sofia in a can!!!! It is my go-to gift for departing coworkers.

Sofia Coppola's champagne is COMPLETELY WORTH IT. And it's so pretty to give as a gift.

He had to adopt a stray cocker spaniel.


How do you know he's homosexual?

Agree completely. I just think it's weird when she gets bashed for being "ugly." If Lena Dunham is too ugly to have sex with, Americans everywhere would be getting a lot less nookie.

I've watched it...she's not really nude any more than any other HBO/Showtime Show. And I don't think she's unattractive, either.

I do not think the character played by Patrick Wilson is really that disconnectedly attractive over Lena Dunham's character. It's nice out, he's a lonely guy in a fancy manse with some issues, and she's a hot young girl. The writing of that particular episode was sort of dreamlike and odd, but I didn't find the

"If I want to read about Cyrus, Bieber and the Khardashians [sic], I'll borrow a copy of The Rise and Fall of American Culture at my local library." — My library totally doesn't stock this title.

This is both hilarious and the most accurate explanation I can find so far on what's going on with this girl. Honestly, this is a strikingly mellow meltdown, as they go. I feel nearly capable of calling people ugly and throwing bongs out of windows and inviting rappers to murder my vagina some days myself.

Way to be an amazing combination of pretty and heroically tough, Kristin.

I hope you're trying anal. Best of both worlds!

For lesbians this is not an issue because women don't fart. Didn't you know? The vagina just eats up the fart before it can escape.

I thought J-Woww was really polite to the governor and it surprised me Snooki felt brave enough to be so rude. I did like her headband though.
