
Aw, I (would like to) think Khloe meant you put your husband before your family-spawned-reality-television show, which is a very specific situation. Not yourself or your livelihood.

I was brought up by a stay-at-home mom who taught me a lot about cleaning. I think it's so funny that people argue so adamantly that it's a personal choice issue. It really can be a learned behavior. Best/most efficient/most hygienic practices aren't always apparent, and this can be really stressful! I know this

Sheesh, next you're going to tell me that The Simple Life was formed based on nepotism and not on the nubile acting skills of Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.

Thank you sooooo much that was a good one to turn to. Although he really could have afforded to go more specific in women's poops than there, not there, or silent. ;P

I love, love Tracy's writing and this column, but after a loooong day at the infertility clinic and a big grapefruit & vodka this just kind of makes me cry.

Hahahah you guys are great. I stand corrected. Even on TV, people usually have jobs.

Phoebe's "job" was to sing at a coffee shop. It's really not that different than writing a memoir or being an unpaid editorial intern. The only thing that really differed was the level of satire indicated by the laugh track.

I think it's so funny how people are obsessed with these characters' not-job-having. TV characters only have jobs when the show is about them! Judging Amy had a job, Two Broke Girls have jobs. The Friends only had jobs when it helped the storyline, but mostly they hung out.

Tee-hee, "falling pregnant"? Get me my smelling salts!


I reside next to the "Live Free or Die" state, which has a more forcible version of this delusion in play.

Omygod I love secret languages. This is like when I discovered Pig Latin in 5th grade and became the completely unstoppable Pig Latin-only communicator.

Oh pfffft I think Kris Jenner paid him to write this.

How long has this writer been with Jezebel? I feel like I never noticed her until yesterday's Titanic piece and I think she is so funny. She writes like I talk (loudly, exuberantly, with passion and slightly too many words because there is no way for be to be concise when I'm amped).

Try Pilates! You'll start using your core more in regular life standing/walking. My boyfriend is a bartender and he has the same thing going.

I remember that, and I remember no NCAA tournament winners ever.

Is it a short people thing??? I always thought I was just not flexible enough!

I say Brownies ON Missionary

I have to admit, there was one near me this weekend and I was so confused about what it meant I completely avoided all the designated areas. Never underestimate the grandmotherly anxiety some of us feel when confronted with "trends."

Weird, I thought I first *heard* of LDR from a Dodai post on Tumblr. Over it?