
I read this piece very thoughtfully and Weirss actually really struck me. Yes, she has a lot of (admitted) shortfallings and bad moments, but so do a lot of parents. She admits she feels like a bad role model because she subscribes to a binge/starve method of keeping her own weight in check. And she's struggling

Stand corrected! (Usually they are kept separate and newsstand is white-background; subscriber is dark brown gradient...I work at an office where we receive the subscriber and I never see it anywhere else...but I'm not in an urban area)

Hmmm...I call potential fake: this is the subscriber-only copy, not the newsstand edition.

:::rushes off, clasping breasts together nervously:::

OK. I'll report back, guys.

Heeeheeeeheheee I love this little thread.

I just continue to be astonished that this exists and I did not know about it. It just seems so...I dunno...sweaty-feeling?

I had to ask my boyfriend what titty fucking was. I didn't...know...people...did...this....

Wow, I've never even thought of that. I mean, it's all about the situation, right? What we say on the Internet is different than what we say at work, or at dinner, or when working with kids (or when we're working with their parents!) but we should really strive to be somewhat sensitive all the time. I have worked

I agree with you, and I can be really coarse in my humor (so much that a former version of myself is actually banned from Jezebel...but that's all in the past, guyz!). It's just that people with this deformity usually totally hide it, it's often from fetal alcohol syndrome or something sad, and it's usually a really

Harsh and mean!

Give me one example of a pro athlete who has a morbidly obese reading on BMI. Although I think it's a problematic system, when done correctly it does read some information about the person's weight construct. I doubt this fact!

Heehee you have a copy editing error in your comment. Maybe it's on purpose? So meta! ;p

Especially because most of the Jezebel writers have Tumblrs.

I never had Spring Break, but I did attend some (indoor, no cameras allowed) naked parties at Brown's co-ops.

I guess grammar + therapist talk just pushes my buttons (I guess it pushes yours too!) Kill me, I'm an Editor!

It just makes me suspicious when people claim to be high-level professionals but don't understand grammar.

I will come out of the hangnail closet: Receiving oral makes me really, really nervous. So nervous that I'd rather any finger bang, hangnail or no.

Good advice. But it is your not you're.

Oh my god I love you guys.