
Even though I truly think the economic recession was one part a poker hand played by James Perse and Paper Denim and Cloth convincing us our basic items were much better at tenfold the price, I will speak to the fancy-bra movement. Eres, Chantelle, and the Elle MacPherson bras are - amazing - beautiful breast

Like Frida and Diego!

@cool_as_KimDeal: Good to know! Maybe I'll give sweaty summer layers of black spandex another try...

And her yeast infection begins in 3....2.....1.....

I am thinking they have confused "guilty" with "exuberantly overjoyed" whereas those non-guilty men are actually "wondering who is going to give them a back rub and help analyze the more confusing social interactions of their day."

They should get Leslie Feinberg to spokesmodel.

Salt water taffy!

American women, on the other hand, are super psyched to lie in bed in the Holiday Inn ordering room service and watching free HBO because we have a recession and no one can go on vacay anymore!!!

@SookehSookeh: I tried to bend paperclips with my mind forever after. And make dice roll in patterns. So. sure. I could do it.

Loved, loved, loved Whispers from the Grave.

@biancajames: Hahahhaha me EXACTLY. I am pretty much the exact "average woman" shape and I am utterly convinced I am not a centimeter shorter than my 5'10" friends until we're about thisfar apart.

As the owner of a size 8 bum, I can say I understand why it should not attempt to be contained in those red shorts. My ass might think it would be a fun time, but my morals would certainly prevent me from finding out.

Scarlett made a joke about her husband saying she was a good kisser, in the third person?

@SlayBelle: Haha I was scanning this page for Hampshire College mentions...but, really, what do we have to offer specifically? All I can say in response to the question posed is "I attended Hampshire College. It was, in itself, ridiculous. As for classes....I wasn't really brave enough to invent any."

Brad and Angie, please! Adopt meeeeee!

Uhoh. I heard from Courtney Love that bad things happen when you start same-sexin' bc you think it's Euro.

Can they please be dating? In character?

I think she's very classic looking. She reminds me of Grace Kellly.

I think this is funny. The writer and I clearly have a disparity on maturity or responsibility on some level, but I remember being a chubby eighth grader who didn't give a F—- that eating a pack of chocolate glazed Hostess donuts as my fourth meal every day might make me fat. Who cared? It was more fun than most of