
Well, clearly from the headline, this was an exclusive with Kourtney's body, not Kourtney herself. Bodies say whatever they can get away with to tabloids!

She seemed pretty genuine here...alllll except for the very last sentence, "lots of smiles, see?"

@Leucadia: Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum and a ceramic straightener will probably take you there.

@didntmeanto: For real. Dinner pants have elastic waists. Deal.

The Edible Woman!

@staryberry: Every time I watch Tyler I want to cry, incidentally. I wish every 17-year-old boy (or 37-year-old boy) cared as much about his girlfriend's thoughts and emotions and happiness.

@staryberry: I think that is terrible! The Caitlin/Tyler team strike me as really wonderful people who are surrounded by a lot of negativity and poverty. I don't think it's fair to pinpoint them as abusers.

@sympathyforthebasementcat: It is absolutely true that publishers are aware that a book with a black character on the cover won't sell as well—especially in the South. I hear it said at every BEA I attend, by publishers of all types.

@artyfarty: Supposedly a lot of stars "dressed down" out of respect for Haiti.

Is this what we're having instead of Pot Psychology?

I don't understand the angst Jez has against every pregnant woman telling people about her pregnancy. I do care what Amy Adams is going to name her child. Is that bad?

According to this blog, Casey would have died "Casey Nguyen" if they'd just made it to Idaho in time.

PS Love demo guy's love handles. Whatever boobs—I will clearly be more embarassed when hot TSA agent sees my travel-panty-lines.

I love how once there is a new terrorist event, the US government is like "Hey! World! Here are the details on exactly how we are handling this. Like, in case you guys want to get going on the workarounds now..."

@BuffyBot: Her last tweet was a sentence of encouragement to a little lesbian girl...THAT makes me sad. :( []

This makes me sick to my stomach. I actually was interested in the Tila/Casey story as a pro-lesbian, pro-women romance, but Casey was completely full of despair, mental illness, and drug abuse. None of it seemed based in anything except a quest for money and drugs.

A reason I love this is that Guess jeans are an EXCELLENT suggestion for a curvy girl. I hate when plus size fashion tries to suggest things that make no sense, like "we found this ONE PAIR OF Wool J. Crew-ish straight legs that fit on THIS ONE GIRL."