@Sputnik_Sweetheart: Hahahahaha. Maybe then she'll get on Interstate 90 to head west back to LA.
@Sputnik_Sweetheart: Hahahahaha. Maybe then she'll get on Interstate 90 to head west back to LA.
I liked Tom Cruise in Risky Business and Tropic of Thunder. Period.
These outfits aren't tailored, also, so there's really no basis for sizing comparison.
This is bizarre. Crystal looks better in every spread.
@onomatopizza: Seriously! That poor little boy apologizes and titty-tank top feels the need to correct his use of "pass gas" with "fart"? If I were filming I would have dropped the camera and smacked her.
Ah, this is what happens when you turn 30 at the Jersey Shore. I wonder what these two used for nicknames.
Haha good caption. I heard her singing that line the second I connected the caption with the photo.
Wait so...she is really 4'9"?
My boyfriend and I were checking out at the grocery store and he absolutely snorted with laughter at Kendra and Hank's tabloid cover and said really loudly, "That man did not produce that baby. What is this, reverse Southern Nightmare?" to a crowd of shocked Vermonters.
I love when hipster Britney comes out to play.
I hate when it takes someone's death for you to connect an adult with their childhood part — "Almost Home"!
@sweettea504: Oh my gosh, I thought it was some Charles Simic-style poetry going way over my head...
@carinamarie: What is that from?
Me and my very dissimilarly-named friend are both "The Marisa Tomei of Brooklyn."
Clearly it is embarrassing to be the first with this breaking information, but www.lohanhouse.com doesn't exist. **blush**
Crystal Renn's body makes my day. In a way that has nothing whatsoever to do with measurements, size 8, plusness, anything. She is like the Bridget Bardot of this decade—I just want to see her, and see her, and see her some more.
I think Deadspin's take on Tiger rings the most accurate thusfar: [deadspin.com]
@bluebears: "I'm a huge Chris Brown fan, and..."
And when I think about what my sisters and I put my poor father through just for trying to videotape us at play....
So they are Sexy Married, Sexy Preggo, and Kim is...Sexy Control Top?