@Dodai: :) I won't leave then
@Dodai: :) I won't leave then
@bluetrain84: Agree! I logged on to Jez earlier than usual to see what was being reported on Ted K here. Nada!
@linnyt is a walking cliché: It's not Joaquin Phoenix?
@bluebears: Totally. Although I have no idea what I meant by "immediately convinced" there. "immediately corrected" maybe. glad you understood anyway. back to desk-dreaming...
@bluebears: I am still at a loss as to why this idea wasn't immediately convinced after Ira Glass told us about it. How, years later, are reporters still reporting on the exact same idiocy?
@NefariousNewt: Meets The West Wing!
Well, you're actually "most" likely not to be married by 35 if you're a gay woman, but I guess race is somehow relevant to the discussion...
Maybe that's because us chubbers have so much fun licking the brownie pan that we WANT to live longer.
Oh dear, their Twitter feed of #birth control is back-firing when the most recent posts are things like:
Something about Billy Rae's attitude makes me absolutely terrified about what future episodes of Hannah Montana might contain.
@schweppes: I am so tired I just looked for where I can Facebook "like" that comment.
You guys have missed the most critical remake! Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is coming back!
They have creeped me out ever since I saw that weird Russian movie where they are actually MADE OF HEROIN.
I thought that was a neck pillow she was sporting but it's her man's arm.
@RomanaTwo: I have that bra too!
@Majrhoulihan: I almost dropped out of being a creative writing major when Andre Dubus got me all upset and mad about the short story. Then Alice brought it home for me....
I'm so disordered right now I took the second half of the headline seriously.
Aw the poor teens who wear those dress pants are probably the ones who work at jobs full of things they can't afford. Been there.
Also, Kanye and my boss are the only two people left who still need to blog everything in all caps. And my job is to uncaps one of those. Kanye, I'm pretty skilled if you want some grammar fixin'.