Prince Charles
Prince Charles
Hahahahhaha. Next they should hire newborn infants who'd rather be nude than wear fur.
@Sev: You are going to be THE HOTTEST.
Brunette=the recession's answer to blonde. :/ My sister took the plunge this weekend and I'll probably have to follow since I haven't been able to afford my bimonthly Aveda salon trip for, since the summer...
If he applied his Physician's Formula bronzer with a napkin instead of a blush brush. IRREGULARLY APPLIED, JONAS.
We now know that Rihanna is with Brown, which, sadly, will come as no surprise to those who understand the nature of abusive relationships, yet for the general public, who may not be as tuned in to the cycle of domestic violence,
Mel....should have called Heath?
@deeemer: I kind of see your point though, even with the explanation—you have to be careful when crediting a woman for "making a life change" and equating that with "having a child." Having a child is beautiful and amazing, but sometimes people do underestimate recent mother's other contributions to the world.
@EkaterinaBallerina: Agree! This made my day (and my Facebook status)!
@prestocaro: washed, ready to eat: That's what she pays poor SamRon to be.
@Ms Meghan: OMG amazing.
Dude, gay women ARE making constant whoopie. Didn't you hetero men know? We're also building voodoo dolls of your penises and lighting Kotex on fire.
Stephen King is criticizing Stephanie Meyer's writing and it's a CONTENT-BASED critique? That's like Tori Spelling telling Jessica Simpson her stage acting's looking weak.
@mellowpsittacus: I am flummoxed to hear this trend confirmed. When my sister asked for a pair of liquid-look black leggings I thought surely she'd just been watching too much E! channel and was getting brainwashed, but maybe it's just the new hip thing...
@dirtybee lacks lovin': What slap was that? For me it went downhill after Hawaii, which I liked because everyone was fucked up in a funny way and interesting-looking. After that I feel like the entire "seven strangers" were actually "seven very thin bobble-head dolls at a club/having hangovers."
Ah, I see. Elle discovered OKCupid.
@sarah.of.a.lesser.god (2009: a space ovumlord): Yay! They changed the photo.
Kendra had just the teeniest bit of lezebel in her...I kept waiting for it to show its face, but instead she wound up with a pro athlete.
My grandmas didn't come to Christmas, thanks for making me feel terrible NPR. I had a danish, and now I know why.
@hfree: Ugh, that dress is in, like, every magazine my gym has as apparently the one affordable winter dress in existence.