
@stephaniebluejean: Ah! I was going to write that. Maybe she's running from ALL of JEZEBEL. And she better pick up the pace!

@cinemaddict: How about being Elizabeth Hasselbeck for the day?

Gwynnie, didn't your stylist Post-It note that dress suggesting you wear FLASHY visible undergarments?? Granny panties are not really in that category.

I hope those white guys working off their country club buffets understand how lucky they've just become. Someone is saving their asses, and that someone is going to be a lot more heartfelt to them than Mrs. GothefuckbacktoAlaska would have been.

I was so embarrassed when, in a roomful of reverent silent crying people, I screamed "OPRAH" when I first caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.

Ahhhhhh, I was diagnosed with that in high school. Except no violence for me, but I'd wander around at sleepovers waking people's parents up and telling them Buddha was coming or dumping out the contents of cereal boxes. I was a popular kid to have over. Luckily, it only lasted about a year and a half.

Hasselbeck, you just raised my blood pressure.

@gold_gato: Shoulda gone with the neutral, I looked like a crazed, lost red-stater here in VT.

I accidentally wore all red to vote and got a handful of dirty looks from my liberal liberal fellow voters. Bah! My jeans were blue! It was an accident!

Also wasn't she on Weeds? As the disenfranchised ex-wife of the DEA agent?

@MagentaOpel: Good point. No one should be kept in a forcible un-chemistried TV relationship just to promote less-seen sexualities!

@NefariousNewt, Democratic Poll Challenger: I am currently applying to grad schools in an area where a grad degree generally lends itself only to working in academia. My advisor told me, "It's a good time, because a lot of real assholeish men who are working in your field are going to die in the next 3-5 years, and

@ladyshiv: Yah yah, sorry to be so un-funny. I just thought it was weird that they made this pretty, colorful logo and made the girl be paper-white.

She is so much prettier when she styles her hair and makeup more naturally and her clothes more urban and less LA-gym.

I saw her on Oprah and she just sort of blinked a lot. I admire her for allying herself with a good cause, but I have a feeling Blossom could out-genius Winnie any day.

Is it just me, or does the girl in the Black Girls Rock icon look a little, er, white?

RE: Halle Barre's comment on Kate Winslet: WTF? Halle is jealous that Kate pees naked? Geez, does she shower naked too?

Mer, I am embarrassed to ask, but what was Pax??