
@SinisterRouge: Sheesh, guys, he said they were just family friends. Don't you all dry hump your family friends??

I don't understand why Sarah Jessica Parker started this trend of rich people having visible roots. Why even dye your hair?

OK I have been thinking about this story all day and I developed a theory.

I read "older women gay icons" as "old lesbians" and was confused for a sec.

I wanted to go as Quail Man but since most of my friends are in their 30s and did not watch Disney afternoon, so far only my sister knew what I was talking about. Maybe that's better???

Recording a death wish

@odinsraven: I am soooo not sports-minded, I read that and was like, Urinary Tract???

@hortense: Heehee, me too. My mom just gave me this sparkly notebook in which I'd written a report on "every president and every state" FOR FUN. Too bad there was no Jez when we were 7, we couldda shared factoids!

I want to bring back Celebrity Deathmatch and see claymation Kelly Ripa destroy claymation Hasselbeck....or anyone destroy her, for that matter.

Jez, you are scaring me with the Lagerfeld play-by-plays. I'm getting nervous I'm going to go to the food co-op in my pajamas and get screeched at by a fashion god.

I don't think she's wearing J Crew.

I don't understand how Albert Einstein goes on that list and people like Donald Trump don't. Wasn't Einstein, erm, solving the mysteries of the universe? I don't know if that qualifies as "being a celebrity."

I like how Oprah laughs in the face of the economy. She's all, get used to drab colors, you bitchez!

I loved this story. I emailed it to my sister-in-law, who has three boys who are always getting into mischief. This is who you want to avoid living next door to, guys!

Throat infections are not indicative of thinness, but they can be of bulimia. Just sayin'.

@A-girl: OMG I hope you are kidding. At awkward moments like that, I tend to just....stare.... if someone started asking me if I were an active or relaxed vacationer I'd probably leave.

I am scared that this election is going to be very ugly. Glad I live in a mellow part of the country. :/

@Patsy_Stone: I know...her image is so striking. She's breath-taking. Horrifying story.

It must be very difficult for her to show so much emotion, considering she is European.

Also, I love how the remaining white girls have invented minority status for themselves. I have never, ever, heard so many problems related to being "European" until this show. Interesting tactic in the face of your competitors of color, ladies.