
Admittedly, when the first teaser dropped, I wasn’t crazy about the big eyes, either. They later reigned them in a little before release and they weren’t as distracting as I’d thought they’d be and actually grew to find them endearing. I still wish they’d consider a sequel but doubtful this late in the game.

Now playing

How about the Japanese remake of Unforgiven?

Although heavily inspired by The Hidden Fortress, it’s not really an adaptation in any meaningful sense of the word.

Fun fact - Kurosawa liked Sturges’ The Magnificent Seven a lot, and in fact Kurosawa, after seeing it, gave Sturges a gift of a samurai sword. I learned this from Hayley Mills’ recent memoir, and Hayley Mills would not lie to me. She has no reason to, I didn’t separate her and her twin sister during a divorce.

Yet another classic Kurosawa film was remade in the 60s as a western: Rashomon was made into The Outrage.

“This site is a joke any more”

What a brain dead comment. Do you think Dodai Stewart or Tracie Egan Morrissey or Jia Tolentino would have a different take?? Maybe CA Pinkham would have agreed with you but that's cold comfort

You can believe Amber is an imperfect human and still acknowledge that the power dynamic in their relationship still skewed toward Johnny. 

Except that “Dan Schneider is a Pedo” stuff is 4Chan/QAnon nonsense. Have had numerous friends work for him over the years and it’s ALWAYS the same story: He crossed lines of appropriateness (like the shoulder rub), but that was not really where the biggest problem with him was. It was in the constant, unrelenting

Had many, many friends work on shows by The Creator. They all had the same story: He was never sexual or predatory, but did cross boundaries (eg being too friendly with teen actors and the shoulder rub). His biggest issue, by far, was his unrelenting bullying, emotional abuse and just the overall degradation of his

Thing is it’s so obvious that I’m not sure that it would be sufficient legal protection, but at the same time it would not be a smart decision for this guy to sue anyone

It’s not a typo, it’s written that way in the Variety excerpt. It’s what he called her.

‘Every kid out there would kill for an opportunity like the one you’ve got. You’re very lucky, Jennetter.’”

It’s such a vague term. How could we possibly guess who she means?

So Amber is the one that filed the documents with the court through Depp’s lawyers?

thus proving he couldn’t have hurt Heard, because everyone knows domestic abusers have also abused every woman they’ve ever encountered.

I think it helps a bit to see the original, but - I watched the real Bagwan Shree Rajneesh documentary and then watched Documentary Now’s mockumentary, and I probably should have just seen one or the other. Because now I don’t remember what really happened in Oregon.

My favorite part is that Jones’ lawyers who screwed up by giving the other side two years worth of texts had over a week to do... I don’t know, something. They could have, I think, pulled them back, claimed they’d made a mistake. Could have gone really aggressive with that tactic.

Point of order: going forward in House of the Dragon-related commentary he should be referred to as Matt Daemon.

The “I’m not a tech guy” made me laugh, because not only is it transparent backpedalling, it would also be something that either he should already know or something his lawyers would have looked up in the phone info they had and would have told him. This strengthens my suspicion that the leak was more “accident” than