
Just think about the awful effect that would have on his children

Depp *may* get the ruling out of this that he wants but unfortunately he doesn’t have good PR people around him to tell him after the UK ruling he should have gone away for a few years, live off of his millions of dollars in the French countryside, and then be welcomed back to Hollywood with open arms a la Mel Gibson

It is not at all “jumbled” to be a socialist and also anti-Stalinist.

Orwell was a staunch anti-Stalinist and was suspicious of anyone he felt might support the USSR.

Some Pig! 

I think you violated Betteridges Law of Headlines here, because the answer is yes. A lot of us may prefer other albums (I have a soft spot for Counterparts which everyone else hates), but I bet it’s in everyone’s top 3.

I can’t wait for the inevitable right wing tweets claiming Orwell (an avowed socialist) was one of theirs because he wrote a book that was critical of the Russian revolution.

I guess some CGI-heavy literary adaptations are more equal than others.

Not really. It is part of Orange County for tax purposes. They do not have their own police department, all police at Disney are Orange County Sheriff. They do have their own fire department. They manage their own power, water, and waste/recycling. All roads in RDIC are maintained by RDIC.

Well, some people sure do treat Disney like a religion.

This is why Disney donates to all those Florida politicians.

Will never happen. Its just another one of Ron’s toothless headline grabbers in his bid to be POTUS in 2025.

why wouldn’t you want your children to find out how you got so famous and rich?

Not only slave owners, but also they SECEDED FROM THE UNION. They willingly gave up their citizenship. They’re also treasonous traitors who attacked the US armed forces and also losers that LOST the war and surrendered. 

Boy, that Xover guy thinking the Confederate traitors are “Founding Fathers” is sure saying the quiet part loud.

I suppose one could argue they are the founding fathers of the nation Xover wishes to be part of. The one made of actual real traitors that lost the war.

Mostly tearing down statues of confederate generals. Try harder.

tEaRiNg DoWn StAtUeS oF fOuNdInG fAtHeRs!

I’m sorry, saying “rear entrance” violates the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, please turn yourself in

Oh yeah, all of Disney Springs is still very difficult to navigate. It’s crazy when you think about the hundreds of millions they spent on infrastructure from widening the road, building garages, adding elevated walkways, adding an overpass and bus lanes.....and it still SUCKS to drive TO/FROM/PAST the area.