
Causes absolutely compete in real life, so there is that. However, they don’t compete with all the attendant slickness of juicy editing...reaction shots, intense music, graphics transitions, confession room soundbites, and drawn-out shots of the judges “thinking about their decision” before a cliffhanger

The dynamics of the situation - and the solution - seem so blindingly obvious to me it’s genuinely upsetting everyone is talking around it:

A lot of these things are culminations of many smaller glitches done in a quick sequence. So they’re mostly discovered randomly but then explored and built upon.

I mean, COVID unemployment benefits just got cut and two areas of the U.S just got hit with crazy major storms so at least right now, saying life sucks is underselling it a bit.

He called me and said, “I’m a li’l woozy, dirt.”

He broverdid it.

Bro was said way too many times.

Put up or shut up bro. I’ll play your punk ass for any amount, you fuckin’ sorry piece of shit. You and Fanatiq. Any amount bro, you fuckin’ suck bro. Just because I lost to Justin? C’mon bro, knock it the fuck off bro.”

It looks like he actually sent $10k not 5k.

That diamond getting ripped out resulted in a lil oozy hurt.

There are faster and more gratifying ways to lose ten grand. (Like donating it to a family in imminent risk of becoming homeless because life sucks. Oh, did that example sound overly-specific? 🤔)

I miss the days when all you had to know was

It varies. One thing that helps some of the worst jokes is that since the game isn’t always joking, they’ll catch you off guard and give you a chuckle, and when they don’t, they’re gone pretty quickly.

Still blown away by how they discover this shit.

Thanks to some jerk named Newton, Link will slowly descend over time while gliding (and will fall completely when out of stamina).

The response from Paradox seems like something other game development companies could learn from.

It’s a wide spectrum, but in none of that is “I was mistreated” ever a ringing endorsement. 

I need more information myself. Are these priorities reasonable considering the level of commitment and where they both are in life? Is this something that happened a few times unfairly, in which case I totally sympathize, or is it a recurring problem with every man they’ve dated, in which case, maybe (not saying

On Neir: Automata: I get the urge to call bullshit whenever people talk about “you have to beat it multiple times to get the real ending”. The truth is that the game is just misleadingly broken up with fake credit screens. SPOILERS: