One note regarding arbitration: the one arena where that can be useful (especially as an option) is when the company and its employees are operating in different countries. Laws around harassment and similar violations vary wildly globally, and even though the arbitration is going to be in the company’s pocket, it…
My guess is that this will be Daredevil in the “sacred timeline,” while the Netflixverse will just be canon in some other shard of the multiverse.
Considering the frequency with which these domestic terrorists die on the scene, often by their own hand, I don’t think the death penalty would act as a deterrent.
Mandatory paternity leave is good both for families and for maintaining a level playing field.
Messiah *is* the second book.
Yeah, the NFT bros are so far up their own butts that they can’t just see blockchain as what it is: a database alternative that could be a better fit for certain use cases.
I’m not sure the “beyond a reasonable doubt” threshold applies the same to a civil trial.
To be clear, I want NFTs and blockchain-based currencies to disappear.
Apparently the global shipping industry has started using a blockchain-based setup called GSBN as a tool for handling a lot of logistics and recordkeeping.
The “permatemp” contractor-hiring system is a fundamental problem in many industries at the moment. Staffing vital positions with “temporary” employees shields the employer from a number of legal responsibilities, and it allows company leadership to stay blissfully ignorant of how those workers are treated.
She had a pretty fantastic single-episode part in “What We Do in the Shadows.”
“they only make their money back in any real sense if they maintain revenue and pay down the debt”
I really think one thing that’s hurting Netflix while other streaming services thrive is posting whole seasons at once.
More accurately, they are autocrats. It doesn’t matter whether they started left-wing or right-wing. They are the end result of putting too much power into the hands of those with no accountability.
I would love a Mad Men spin-off, but I’m not sure I’d want advertising to be the central focus again. There are so many other careers Sally could be pursuing that would act as touchstones to 70s or 80s culture.
Then they’ll buy it there.
Even with the bugs, I still think it’s hard to beat the compilation of the first two LEGO Star Wars games (for PS3 and so on). The pantomime communication was so dang funny and fit the playfulness of the theme far better. Six movies, six levels each, and loads of bonus levels.
Copypasta makes actual sense, though, as it’s material that’s been copied and pasted.