
We don’t go after liquor store clerks, we don’t go after car dealers that sell young men fast cars”

It’s possible. It would just be very expensive. Nintendo is a publicly traded company.

Just because a customer wants something doesn’t mean it should be legal to sell it, especially when it could be deadly.

I mean, there’s definitely bias, but it’s not the sort of bias that makes anything he’s saying untrue.

I think the fundamental issue is with the sheer amount of power vertically integrated mega-corporations can have. Under anti-trust laws, vertical monopolies can be broken up, but it hasn’t been policy to do so since action was taken against Standard Oil.

I think the answer is moving away from discrete project-based creative development. It’s one of the reasons the software-as-a-service model is so nice; it potentially allows for a continuous release model rather than setting strict timelines for major releases.

It will be good for Kotick and other toxic admins to be out of power, should that indeed be the case.

Out of curiosity, is it explicitly referencing the Disney version rather than other adaptations like La Belle et la Bete?

Any sale of the network would probably come with stipulations regarding rights to their most valuable properties moving forward, even if it’s some sort of guaranteed licensing agreement with Warner for X years.

Neptune’s orbit doesn’t intersect Pluto’s. They don’t orbit the same 2D plane.

The panda/raccoon/bear thing is still an unresolved question. It’s not clear which similarities are from convergent evolution versus genetic lineage, especially when considering both giant pandas and red pandas.

You might be misunderstanding how the rights work when it comes to SW properties. Nearly all franchise writing is work-for-hire, with an upfront sum paid to the author. The contract may grant royalties to the author for that specific work, but the author retains no rights to the characters or story.

The question “What is the best Final Fantasy game?” is inherently different than “What is the best game?”

It’s a multiverse. Whatever happened in the Netflix TV version of the timeline could bear any number of similarities with the core canon timeline without necessarily conflicting with it. This is just a different iteration of the characters; maybe things just played out differently for them.

To be fair, the type of NFT that Ubisoft is using is one that doesn’t require the insane power consumption. It’s still dumb, but this particular case is not dumb for environmental reasons (or at least not any more than any other typical internet activity).

The white actors for the NPCs refused to get their COVID shots, so they’ve been replaced by a more inclusive hiring process. 

The religions that would oppose vaccination officially as part of their theology are few and far between.

No, there are actually diseases that make vaccines dangerous. They’re just exceedingly rare:

The in-game toggle isn’t always all that workable. It shouldn’t be an expectation, though it’s certainly a nice-to-have.

So it’s a little different for Islam. The Quran is almost considered a holy object, even moreso than how many Christians see the Bible. It’s a bit more like desecration than just simply a copy of a book being destroyed.