I highly recommend watching with subtitles. The dialogue can move pretty quickly, and the sound editing is such that it’s easy to miss what’s being said.
I highly recommend watching with subtitles. The dialogue can move pretty quickly, and the sound editing is such that it’s easy to miss what’s being said.
In the long term, if she maintains a wide enough audience, it may actually bring in greater earnings. Knowing that everyone tips the same amount may encourage more viewers overall to tip.
Nepotism definitely opens doors, but it’s not as likely to maintain lousy performances long-term. Maya Hawke has so far shown that she can act, so /shrug.
In all likelihood it’s some third-party software library that they can’t easily replace but doesn’t work on the new system.
You’re the man now, dog.
I’m fairly certain it was on Netflix some years ago too.
Has any accusation of US war crimes ever made it into an international courtroom for said purpose?
I don’t think the original caught-on-camera pieces would work with a fake country. He needed to be able to fake journalistic credentials. People on the other side of the gag could easily look up and find a country that doesn’t exist; it’s easier to rely on interviewees to recognize the real name and let their…
That would require even further reading, since Trotsky postdates Marx.
It is being renamed, but it will take a while before that process finishes.
They are already in the process of changing it. It’s just going to take a long time, with lots of logistics to handle. Renaming major institutions is surprisingly difficult.
Not particularly. It was an ordinary neighborhood branch bank, but it was in a city with a lot of crime (Cape Town, South Africa).
I’ve been in one where the guards were armed with assault rifles. It was unnerving.
Depends on the type of store. Margins are actually very tight at grocery stores, for instance, and product loss is part of that. I’m not going to very a treat for the rich CEO, but it’s worth remembering that everything is connected. The theft adds up, and the way it impacts the balance sheet can shift the company’s…
They do tend to be transphobic, however.
If it brings the series to a better resolution than the ending it got, then I’m interested.
I much prefer the writing in Western RPGs, but I prefer the simplicity of JRPG interfaces, particularly those from the SNES and PSX eras. The art can go either way depending on setting.
Only certain judges get lifetime appointments, but yes, the practice needs to be ended regardless.
I mean, there’s no way to make that particularly correct, but Hebrew is a lot closer to the other languages of the era. What would take some more research would be checking whether Latin and/or Greek was widely spoken in Egypt at the time (and not just by the royalty).
It’s probably reliance on some obscure software library that was included in PS4 but won’t be on PS5.