If Rick had been using Apollo, this trick probably wouldn’t have worked.
If Rick had been using Apollo, this trick probably wouldn’t have worked.
I do think it’s hard when you have (1) a population saying a word, and they don’t intend any offensive connotation at all and (2) a population hearing the word that takes offense.
What alternatives are being suggested for whitelist / blacklist?
They probably wait to remove it after they’ve seen the initial sales bump.
I think disgust was probably just poorly named. There’s value to the emotional responses associated with a sense of right and wrong, for instance, and they’re not always a good match for anger or fear.
The old “cable was better” routine is so stupid. Streaming video inherently provides a better user experience.
While I understand leaving out the phone-based games and web-based games, you rely should have mentioned “Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines” (PSP) though admittedly it would probably be ranked as the worst of the list.
That may be how the theme has developed over time, but in the earlier sets it was pretty clear that black magic represented supreme evil. Other colors could have different shades of evil, but black was the straight-up evil color.
If you’re using the trivial definition of the word, sure. But you really shouldn’t. The reason racism matters (and does so much harm) isn’t solely because of bias and prejudice.
when Joel learns that making the vaccine will kill Ellie, he murders the doctor and takes her from the hospital.
In MTG, black is definitely associated with the colloquial “black magic,” which is in turn associated with evil.
There aren’t enough that are *applying* is really the issue I’ve seen. I was addressing the tech sector because that’s what I’m most familiar with, though I previously worked in the video game industry as well.
It’s a mana color, a spell color, and a creature color.
This sort of shit happens all the time when people put too much meaning into specific numbers. Like ringing up 6.66 at the cash register.
It looks as if older sets are numbered purely alphabetically rather than by color first.
Is the Gatherer order based on something other than release date and alphabetical order? Or similar?
Additionally, the statistics on side effects tend to skew heavily toward persons who have the procedure later in life.
Sure. As I said, the larger qualm of how “black” has multiple meanings (in an unhealthy way) is the problematic aspect, but that’s a *considerably* bigger issue than just a card game.
There’s a lot of cultural miseducation in the South that unfortunately has found its way north and west too.