The Albatross

@MaNiFeX: Aye, and I must say, when I got my star on Giz & Kotaku, it really made my week.

I might be in a minority of people that visit Gizmodo 10+ times a day, comment 10+ times a day, but harbor deep animosity towards Gizmodo.

Codename: Stupid.

@Oiratno: Have you ever watched a normal person playing videogames, and not watched their screen? It's very boring. Most normal people do not throw controllers, scream into their headsets, and parade around their rooms.

In other news, it is reported that the voice acting budget for Saints Row 3 is $0.

With the keyboard highway issue, it might not be as much of an issue as it seems at first. I'm just guessing that they use actual chords on the keyboard, and so pretty quickly you will realize the fingering for an C, G, D, and Em... And look, now you're playing every Maroon 5 song that's ever been written.

My best friend and roommate in college was an RA. He was/is normal, but a lot of RA's have superiority issues, and they also live within this odd college subculture of friendly-on-the-exterior-but-cut-throat-on-the-interior-competitiveness with other RA's (Yes that was all one word). The Offices of Residential Life

@TheFu: Aye, my retirement broker manages this for me... but this is still probably useful for somebody who doesn't have retirement setup or doesn't monitor it.

Clock radio, even though I suppose most of them are still digital, I have a clock radio for my alarm that the previous owner of my house left in a closet. It is dated like 1971 or something, has old nobs that set the alarm & time, the radio is a dial up a scale, etc. Even though I own an iPod and have an Android

this video is odd. And there's something about being packed with hundreds of people in a tiny wave pool that messes with my head

I can see how they could easily find somebody to take on the opposite perspective. It's an easy argument to make devil's advocate. And, in many ways, I wish that EA chose to go with an anonymous "Islamo-fascist" enemy like how CoD has it done in the past couple of iterations. It's not unlike the "Six Days of

@Star Vixen: So this glowing music orb will be second nature.

@Dezerus Richardson: This is garbage. People with altzheimers weren't born in some paralell universe where music is played out of glowing orbs. They've used casette and CD players, many have used iPods or digital media players. People with altzheimers aren't all 90 year olds born before the digital age who don't

Photoshop Express: Makes people look scary on your iPad.

@SkipErnst: She had a serious cult following in the 1950s and 60s. Surrounded by men who ended up becoming conservative intellectual giants.

Hahahaha... this is... awesome ... and weird ... and I don't know how he did this? Being a tacit Ayn Rand fan...... I appreciate the.. dedication..

Is that the Bieb?

It's so easy to spend other people's money that anybody who is against spending other people's money is a dick.

Ha.. love the Decemberists mention midway through there.