Love the Decemberists tossed in there
Love the Decemberists tossed in there
@anonymouscraigslistguy: I wanted to post, but you did it for me. The sentence, "jealousy was nearly nonexistent," is what did me in. The idea that jealousy, especially if it is loosely synonymous to competition, is uniquely human — and then uniquely modern — is ridiculous.
@arionfrost: You've got it backwards. The person with the high horse mentality is the one who won't work in the dregs because their prestigious degree is too good for that employer.
This is the case for many graduates from for-profit schools. I know that they're some of the fastest growing schools in the country, but few of them have the same sort of hand-holding student development centers that the traditional four-year or even community college do. They're just as expensive, don't quality for…
@Worf: People assume Android is open because it is the most open consumer-grade mobile operating system ever released.
Very cool, but definitely needs to add a way in and a way out. In an emergency, whether it be something as mundane as a thunderstorm or should somebody be drowning, that would be vital.
I thought the nasal wipes were condoms.
@minormillikin: Answer to Everyone's Question #5: $101 - $166
@Red-the-Blue-Communist: Or all of your ancient porn. ".... uhh dad ... what's this video of mom ..."
@FauxReal: The most painless way might be to export your contacts, create a new google account that you have control of, and then import the contacts into that.
@FauxReal: Ohhh... hmmmm. Yeah, I'd avoid the factory reset until you can get your gmail username & PW.
@wanderingrabbi: Technically, yes, it's another app that is running, but that's not the real issue. The real issue is that ATK will kill an app that you think is running and using unnecessary power, so you'll kill it which will shut down that app when Android was keeping it running for a reason... Arguably, that the…
@FauxReal: Read the posts by MichaelBrazell in this thread. I detail my battery life travails midway through that: []
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Any stock Android device will get at least a full day of battery life, but you'll want to charge it at night like any other smart phone. Even with a full bounty of constantly running apps, it'll last 18 - 24 hours. I had Facebook, twitter, gmail, gtalk, email, calendars, SMS…
This whole battery conversation has really started because FroYo manual install has killed a lot of people's Android smartphones. Fix that and the battery chatter will die down. It's not limited to just a faulty Facebook app or a faulty Exchange service, there was a leak problem with the FroYo manual install that…
@CSX321: riverrun...
Yeah, this glitch appeared after the tuning update. It is very rare, but god, I love it. Pretty sure you morph through the mascot if it does happen.
You can turn this off without needing any apps. It's in the settings
@Armuun: Totally agreeing with the original sentiment. The band hasn't released a good album in over 10 years, and they seemingly release an album or EP once a year. The lone exception to anything bad-weezer since the 1990s is Perfect Situation, which is a great pop song, even despite (intentionally?) lame lyrics. …
@Hearthatvoiceagain: Gizmodo's scaremongering is barely news. They hide behind the informality of their website but will never be taken seriously because of it. It still drives me crazy especially with the angle that they pull with things that, by and large, do actually matter.