Without significant improvements to the Online Franchise mode, I'm going to be sticking with NCAA this year... Post-patch and post-tuning, NCAA '11 is probably the best football game I've ever played.
Without significant improvements to the Online Franchise mode, I'm going to be sticking with NCAA this year... Post-patch and post-tuning, NCAA '11 is probably the best football game I've ever played.
@HP_Freeze: This is exactly what I do.
This could really be helpful, especially with the battery issues that many Droid and Incredible users are suffering from since switching to 2.2. The problems are caused by errant apps and incompatibilities with 2.2, but it's difficult to pin down whcih app is really the problem... People are claiming it is Facebook,…
@Megamoppy: That's one of the best posts in so few words that I've ever seen on this har blog.
One quick update about NCAA '11 — they released a Tuner pack this week that updates and fixes many of the progression and recruit issues in Dynasty mode. Also, another patch is coming in mid-August.
This is great. Having been caught in a host of edit wars, but over far more mundane topics (church history, William F. Buckley, a couple others)... It's nice to see that other people have wasted serious chunks of their lives on Wikipedia edit wars.
Okay, somebody has to note the battery issues here with the Droid update that came out on the web. There's a lot going around on Android forums but nothing has been officially captured about it.
@Whitson Gordon: To me, Battery Drain seems to be strongly related to Corporate/Exchange Email. AS SOON as I turned off Push for corporate, and set it at ANY other interval... battery life is seemingly back to normal.
@eliavictor: here's a thread with the file(s), instructions, etc.
I'm just going to post to this because I can't find the story posted anywhere —
Gizmodo commenters, help: What is the best reasonably priced air purifier, and do they work at all?
I bought my dad a Wii, but the only games he plays are the classics, and a little New Super Mario.
This is great news. Although I don't see Photos on the list, but hopefully that will come soon. We have many accounts at work for different dept's, and this will bring a lot more ease of use. Currently, I use 3 different browsers for 3 different accounts.
The fast acct switching could be great. I use three accounts at work... my personal one, one for my office, and then one for around campus. Currently, I use three browsers to manage it easiest... FF for my most used personal one, Chrome for work, IE for the third least used one.
This thread ought to be removed. The first rule of ....
@TERROR-HORROR: Aye on that. That "strategy" was easy to counter act, and anybody who used that probably had no idea how to play straight up, so if you could return the serve, then you'd win pretty easily.
I'm looking to sell my Rockstar Table Tennis. Great Game.
@Donelop: Meh on his review so far. The MST3000 guys one is way funnier.
@Donelop: Never saw that review. But would like to.
"They assumed it was an appliance—a washer or dryer, maybe a half-sized refrigerator. They were waiting to celebrate my domestic responsibility, my investment in hearth and home. I could only answer, "A computer" while anticipating their puzzled, then judgmental response."