@Evildead22: damn you!
Yum that bottle of ..... Cocktail ... sure looks delicious.
@Deadp00l: It's a known glitch, with one particular play in the playbook. It's a PA Option, only in certain playbooks, and it can cause the QB to make a B-line to his own endzone. If you hit A, the passing icons come up and it stops... usually resulting in an incomplete pass. But if you don't hit A, then your QB…
@Ruffstik: They're going to "silence" that error msg, but it won't really be fixed until week 1 of the season because that's when those tallies start to count in the Season Showdown mode.
@Grahamunculus the Corpse Golem: Generally, the consensus is that this is one of the best football games made in quite a while... and this is coming from the OS crowd.
@phamm: Singapore, Korea... cmon now, let's not split hairs...
@Tiger-Fever: Yeah, I don't know what this latest update was... but I'm so tired of getting Safari auto-update notices that are like, "fixing security bug: 127mb." And, yknow, I've got a 60mbps connection, and nearly limitless storage, but it's just the idea... it bothers me.
@atrus123: No love for IE for Mac?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!
Sweet, if only the update weren't like 88 MB.
@pandafresh: Aye. Starcraft in Korea is huge
Inception entertained me from start to finish. That being said, it's being given much more credit than it's due by my friends on the internet and in life. If you thought that the Matrix had some strong philosophical message, then you will probably think the same about Inception. If you were mostly unimpressed, eyt…
@Leandri: Hahahaha.... I think we've all had that experience...
@The Albatross: Damn all of you and your multiple uses for keys! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!
My favorite single-use tool is :: drum roll :: The Key.
mapquest, lol
@Kynes: Sorry, I should say, the people who end up making the decision for an electronic voting system typically do not rank fraud prevention as their number one item of importance. Cost and ease of use rank as the highest, and every electronic voting company stumps that their devices or methods are fraud-proof. …
Two main problems, but the first being:
I don't believe that 57% of Lifehacker readers root or jailbreak their iPhones / Android, but rather that of the people who click into these polls and vote on them, 57% are more likely to root / jailbreak.
@jared.patrick: The games just aren't setup for it on the 360, or any console. Console FPS are setup to be equalizing... to remove skill advantages. They do that with, as you said, aim assist, but also simply by creating the game in a way that is forgiving of the inaccuracies of a controller, even putting a keyboard…