The Albatross

I've got the Amazon card. The rewards are good, but Chase sucks behind the card. The chase e-banking site is horrible compared to any other credit card I've ever had. Rates are about average and they gave me a pretty high limit on mine, so I've liked it so far. The rewards for gas, groceries, and obviously, amazon

Just today, I noticed that I started getting AIM messages sent to my Google Talk name even on Android, now that Google Talk and AIM Are more closely integrated. But, there's a little glitch (or a major glitch) where I can't respond to the message in Android — if I click on the notification, it just brings me to my

The NHL series is considered the best EA Sports product from over the last 3 years. The game was significantly overhauled, like completely overhauled, in the 2008 season. And, aside from tweaks and additions, they've gotten the game pretty damn great. Madden probably needs a total overhaul, but it's too much to do

Yeah.. seriously? Canada gets its fair share of ribbing, but in all my days, I've never heard anybody ever actually blame Canada for anything. Sadly, the country is irrelevant to all of us, except when my Bruins beat yer Habs (once every .. 30 years..)

When does the US blame (or credit) Canada for anything?

I do the same with NCAA. I keep a running Google Spreadsheet that goes into my dynasties. It's a treasure trove of names, stats, and so on. I keep pretty detailed stats on my major players, major players across College football, and also the performances of different teams (conf. opponents, top 10 national teams,

Pretty sure you're just kidding UsernameOfTheDead, but still I always love the speculation threads on GTA websites. Before IV was announced, so many people used to say things like "OH I BET IT WILL BE Milwaukee," or "GTA: Madison," or some equally unimportant, boring midwestern city that makes no sense.

So this is a ridiculously long giant post but I was thoroughly disappointed by GTAIV, after obsessing over all of the previous games, and being really amped up for it. I still liked the game in the end, but it was one of my most disappointing game releases ever, for me.

Yes, I would. Something I was disapointed by in AC:Brotherhood was no giant buildings like in AC1 or even AC2. In GTA:SA, I loved climbing to the top of mount chilliad and trying to find weird ways to get up it. In every game where there is any height, I have to get to the top of it.

This is definitely true of my friends and I. I've become better friends with a lot of the guys from college, now five years out, because we play XBL together... yet many of the guys who I was close friends with in college, we simply don't interact regularly. Even my local friends, when there's a major game out that

@scrapking: My point was only if somebody is protesting about a "semantic argument." Sure, something can be ahead of its time in common language... but if somebody protests that something is a semantic argument when talking about something "being ahead of its time," well, it's got to be a semantic argument.

@HighSpeedIndeed: A phrase like "ahead of its time" is a semantic device by nature. It's impossible for this to be anything other than a semantic argument because nothing can be _literally_ ahead of its time. Being a semantic argument does not devalue the argument, almost every conversation that you have with

@yah5: I'm with Yah5. The greatest thing about the Dreamcast was that you could so easily steal games for it, which was just awesome then and it's pretty sweet now, because if you had an internet connection, every game for the console was about 45 minutes away from playing, Japanese, European or American.

@Runed: I've been pissed at Robin lately.


Today, I think that it's that games are progressively driven more by presentation and story, and in terms of approachability, the developers (and publishers) want people to to be able to experience the entire game.

Assassins Creed 2 made me want to really go to Florence.

@P3RF3CT D3ATH: You travelled half way across the world in a matter of hours for 1/50th of the money you make in a year.

@Taurus_McGee: Given that you get the reference to my name, I'll answer.

I can't admit mine, I'm so ashamed by it. It's not even an "achievement" thing, it's just something that I should have done but never have and now can never face up to it.