Really looking forward to NCAA '11 this year. I'll be away for vacation this week, but come next weekend, definitely picking it up.
Really looking forward to NCAA '11 this year. I'll be away for vacation this week, but come next weekend, definitely picking it up.
@THEMISSING (ain't hearing your sh_t): Nice job missing the point brooooo.
This minigame alone should be released for XBLA and PSN for like $10. I'd probably get it, but I wouldn't spend the $60 on Backbreaker.
@Killer Toilet: you have multiple lives, if you exhaust all lives, you get sent back.
There's a chance that this might have been left intentionally in the game.. A sort of, "oh, there's a spelling error there...... but... actually, it's kind of clever..."
I'm really looking forward to NCAA '11 this year.. skipping on Madden. The Online Dynasty stuff has me attracted enough, while Madden's complete lack of Franchise updates has me looking for more.
aahhahaha pug.
It's been all over Twitter that the demo details & date will be revealed on July 15. It's likely to be a full, 20 minute game of 4 five minute quarters, with accelerated clock. I believe that the teams were voted on and it's like ... the Jets vs. Colts?
I disagree about the mobile email signature and I wish that you could have one in the default Android corporate email that's on the Droid. Many other email suites include it.
It's apps like these that make me wish that my work could implement a wide-scale GoogleVoice outreach instead of the voicemail system we have now.
@longtimegamerrr: What you might consider "brainwashing," others consider to be a legitimate consumer device that adds some sort of value to their lives... approximately $600 of value.
@Robotronic: Oh be quiet. The internet is better now than it ever has been, ever, times 1million. Ads are less obtrusive, security is stronger, websites are designed better, we have *video*, everything is faster.
MA has always banned fireworks, so most folks drive up to NH to stock up around this time of year. It's funny crossing the border, especially on the Eastern side of NH... every store front is a fireworks or liquor store.
@domhnall: You are right. I spent many a day in the dentist chair playing that blasted game.
.. "Sounds almost exactly.." What? This is like... Super Mario Music on Mescaline
@Falsoman: NEVER MIND . []
@Falsoman: Just did a search.. Flux or Flex? Can't seem to find anything valuable on Flux.. and good suggestions "FLEX WYSIWIG"
Vote: Dreamweaver.
@MrGOH: So then production moves to a country like South Korea, which generally has far better working conditions and human rights treatment than the DR Congo, but where those electronics are put together, workers work for 7-days a week and 14 hour days and are paid barely a living wage.
@Josh: Because the moment American or European boots fall on the ground in the Darfur, or Somalia, the Congo, or Rwanda, the world's professors, students, lawyers, journalists, and actors all take to streets to decry "empire building." And 10 years later, they make movies, write books, and sue that not enough was…