The Albatross

@mrantimatter: Well.... there are several leaders in the UN who profit from or have profited from the conditions in sub-Saharan Africa... that is it to their benefit for this to happen.

Well, let's be fair here... almost every product that you own may have a part or piece or compound in it that came from a country that is either embroiled in civil war, run by a despotic regime, uses slave miners to mine it, or does some catastrophic harm to the universe while being harvested.

I do not think that this guy is an artistic genius, but, certainly a great salesman. He found a way to bring attention to half-finished Source engine maps.

Nuts, you can't set a date for it? I want to see what time the sunset will be on July 4, 2010 in my city. I'm sure I could go elsewhere for this information, or roughly calculate that it's probably very much the same as it is for today, five days before July 4... But... hell, I bought this computer so that I don't

Definitely looking forward to Elite 11 more than NBA 2K11.

Props to Pasta for getting a link up on Kotaku.

@DaCapin: I want to promote this comment because everything is right in it. But it's been self-promoted because the poster is a God.

@slingblade123: As long as iPhone users are going to be calling me, my friends, and others, "Counter-Culture Fags," for the phone that we use, I think I'll be pretty happy using this phone.

@dgmorgan: I'm going to defend Mafia 2 a bit... that the story should be tighter than GTAIV's story, which was a huge, huge let down. But, unfortunately, I think that the recipe for their success will be how closely they can replicate the GTA elements of the game, and I think that they'll fall short.

The cars look like they're sort of skating on the ground. I liked the original Mafia game and I am looking forward to this, but I'm worried it'll be sort of mediocre.

wtf... is this a total XKCD ripoff or ... did the artist/writer change his name?

@FriarNurgle: I don't think that there is either a major disconnect or some brilliant marketing strategy... I think it's the same as Dell releasing a new computer and then Microsoft releases Office 2010 a month or two later. Except it's all free and open.

Get ready for the 21st century Potempkin Village

@FriarNurgle: The Android OS is on a separate development cycle than a manufacturer's hardware release. 2.2 isn't just an OS for, say, the Droid X, but for every phone that wants to run it.

@stifflittlefinger: In time, more sites will switch over to .xxx for branding purposes, and while there will continue to be the .com's, a company-wide block or family-filter-wide block on .xxx will still be useful.

@LouisJebber: My thoughts exactly. When HTC makes a busted device, few people bring up the sweat shop factory in South East Asia explaining the errors. When Apple makes a mistake, oh, it's not their fault, it's those bad guys subverting their products.

An approval that is good for everyone. Gives quick access for people looking for it, and helps lock down sites for work places, families, etc.

@twointum: The online dynasty mode in NCAA Football is better than anything that was in Choops. However, more to the point, there is no coaches union in NCAA so licensing is an issue. Still, I'd like to see the top 50 coaches or something.

@HatchC2: Yes, Teambuilder teams from '10 can be carried over this year.

Really looking forward to NCAA '11 this year. I'll be buying this over Madden '11 this time around. The gameplay feels great and the additions to Dynasty mode sound tops.