@Zanzan42: If the statement doesn't make sense to you, read the rest of the post.
@Zanzan42: If the statement doesn't make sense to you, read the rest of the post.
Any musicians who are against this would have been the same people — 10, 15, 20, or more years ago — who complained that learning songs by tablature is not legitimate, or it isn't a legitimate way of teaching guitar.
Love swype so far, got into the BETA the other day. In the last two days... I can't think of a typo that I've made.
@chris0089: ... right because Google detects pirated things everywhere else...?
Why isn't there just "Yes" option on this? For what it's worth, if Google made an iTunes-rival, but did it in the cloud, I would be very interested. I hate iTunes, but with things like an iPod Touch, last gen nano, and two macs, it's something that I can never get away with.
@eCommArchitect: Convex analog sticks and the un-ergonomic L2 & R2 are my only major complaint. As a matter of preference, I think that the left analog stick should be moved where the DPad is, it's a most natural placement for your hand now that Analog controls are used in almost every game for primary movement, and…
Looks like the best gamepad... concave sticks from the 360, hopefully the responsiveness of the PS3's dpad. I like the mushy L1 & R1s and prefer those to the clicky LB and RB, but the triggers on the 360 are much better than the PS3s... Too bad that's not better. Wonder how the face buttons are.
I do this regularly.... it's a regular part of my job. Text is often times the best way to reach somebody, it's asynchronious and it gets the message across.
@the-hypnotoad: I agree here. NBA 2K10 was more polished, but Live did things a little better in some areas this year.
Y'know... he should be reprimanded for this. 5 days is not enough time.
I don't know about you, but I am always impressed that planes can actually fly.
@UnnDunn: Keep in mind, I'm sure that 98% of the proposals are just like that. Functional, plain, working.
"The iPhone ... may not be the most successful smartphone and multimedia device in history"
I am really light sensitive when I sleep, and the light generated by screens... whether it be my docked cell phone, ipod, TV, or anything else, are too bright for me right by my bed.
@Brookespeed: The ending of A.G. sucks, but basically, that's Neil Gaiman's mantra. The ending in every single book he's ever written sucks. The ending sucked in Good Omens too.
Ha, nice, American Gods by Neil Gaiman. One of my favorite fiction books.
@ForeignRon: The team management aspects of football and sports games have always been popular with a certain crowd. It's like the business management of any RTS or strategy game, except in a universe that sports fans are very familiar with. Just listen to sports talk radio and there are plenty of people that enjoy…
One thing seems sort of arbitrary: "non-Google syncing." In my experience, Android syncs with my Exchange system at work as well as the iPod touch that I had, if not better... the calendar works fine and I get my work emails on my phone often times before I get it on my computer. I did a one-time download of email…
@Is_guhn_RAIN: This was hilarious. Kudos.
@lolcopter: So conversely, young people should only be allowed to work ... say ... behind the counter at Blockbuster?