The Albatross

@szrimaging: I have friends who literally don't ... know what tabs are. And they use FF. And have used FF for years. It kills me.

@chrollo0427: It has potential for search engine reasons, and in the off chance that mainstream publications may pick it up.

Just to note, there are still plenty of hardware issues with the new 360s. I bought an elite about a year and a half ago after my 2006 model died for the last time, and the elite got an e74 error the day Red Dead Redemption came out. Major drag.

No Chewbacca? Some guys might be into that.

@Willravel: I agree with this in that there is something about the iPhone that "just works" more so than any other smart phone device. The iPhone is instantly intuitive: you don't need to think about it. You probably need one direction: "Press that center button to turn it on," and then you're set.

I have to credit the iPhone with pushing the smartphone market more than any other phone. Truely, nearly every UX function of smart phones since the iPhone has been based off of the iphone.

Thread needs more hipster kitty.

@Accordeon: If you showed me this logo today w/ the name, and then showed me it in three months w/o the name and asked me to tell you who the company was...... I couldn't remotely tell you. It's a very elegant graphic, but is too complex to be an effective brand.

I like Valve:

@Eternal: MY brain pretty much associates that logo with "PC Gaming" ... I See that, I think big PC game boxes. I see big PC game boxes, I think that.

@Accordeon: Probably because it's needlessly fancy. Take out the "Grasshopper Manufacture" and nobody could recognize any of that. It's cool looking and all, but it's just not a good branding.

@HitBit: Cheesy horizon gradient

@JaseDH: I like it, but it's too fancy... if they got rid of the background script, I'd like it. Imagine trying to cut that out and use it on ANYTHING.

@eeranyA39: Games good, logo sucks. Bevel, cheesy looking.

I thumb drive most of my stuff. Encrypted with BitLocker.

@FirefighterGeek: Well, without being able to legally license NCAA players, it's the best that they can do. When the game first loads it asks you "Do you wanto generate names for your players?"

@Taggart6: It's done as the game begins... Which you see in most college games in real life, like the Notre Dame, "Play like a Champion." Glad to see it in this year's game.