Vote: 1&1 .... They're not really even that good, but it's who I use, and now I've got too many sites tied up with them to go elsewhere... alas.
Vote: 1&1 .... They're not really even that good, but it's who I use, and now I've got too many sites tied up with them to go elsewhere... alas.
@CreepinJesus: Yeah this is fine... then your article, story, or picture gets picked up on Digg and your entire internet is down for a week.
You know what else I don't believe:
I Don't see how this happens. How a patch makes this happen.
@formula420: Actually, the problem isn't with "my lack of a backbone," but rather, with the employee refusing to sell a requested item to a customer, and then selling the wrong item to a customer. Even a quick scan of this thread shows that I'm not the only customer to have a problem with an employee either…
@Vidunder: I only briefly mentioned the reason I really wanted to get out there — the clerk was running a shady deal with two other people in the store who were carrying wads of cash. Something peculiar was going on.
@Brazell: (I Wanted to edit mine but couldn't)
@MCAJayhawk: The BBB does not consider every complaint they get. 360 complaints is a very high number, Gamestop is not an accredited BBB member, and they have a C- rating.
I've stopped shopping there after the clerk at a Gamestop in central MA would not sell me a game unless I bought the used version of it... which I didn't want ("Buzz! Quiz World"). When I told him I'd rather just buy the new one than the used one (mostly because it comes with peripherals and I didn't want used…
@JPMarat: Fact.
@Zinger314: Yes and no. Things were very easy then. We got the internet sometime around like 1995 maybe. I saw things on the internet that I probably should have never seen... Now, I've grown up to be fairly successful, but I've probably been irrevocably harmed by the things that I willingly subjected myself to on…
I wouldn't care if my son or daughter played online games, I'd just turn off the headset and control communication for them. I know that they could probably get around it, just as how I got around everything that my parents setup to barr me from things when I was young (which admittedly, was not much, my parents…
@Kobun: Aside from Jade, I would be surprised if anybody could name any of those characters from any of the games on the list.. Other than that I just have a horrible memory with names :)
@ttocs: Well whoever made this needs to go!
Girl from Heavy Rain? Blonde girl from Uncharted 1 & 2? Lazlow from GTA III, VC, San Andreas, & IV?!
@Michael Dukakis: I applaud you for that.
@Madeira: Hahahaha, it's what he could get done "with the Republican party." Right, because a super majority isn't enough. And, lulz to concessions... Name one major Republican health care reform issue of the last 15 years that was in the final bill. And, if you buy the Democratic tripe that "the Republicans…
@Madeira: Yeah, yeah! Quick, get back in line Kotaku, you know it's against the rules to post bad things about Obama on the internet.
Uh oh Kotaku, a negative post about Obama on a .... on a .. on a GAWKER Blog!? Are you looking to get dropped?