The Albatross

@phatnacky: It saddens me that that particular pop culture reference is 10-years-old....... It was a defining moment of my adolescence.

@MetalSonic7: You'll get over that someday, and then you'll realize how great it is. Taking a shit in public is awesome because as soon as it's out of your body, it's not your problem anymore.

I still use my vacation time, but I always feel guilty about using it... I always feel like it's a bad time to be leaving.

I love Android but I really just don't get Google's development ethos... They have Android and they have Chrome OS ... and both seem to be competing against one another on similar products ... I just... don't get it.

feeling thirsty? Drink water!!

Hm, interesting, just bought a TV yesterday.

@farcedude: Aye, and for those of us who do not have dumps, like anybody living in Massachusetts.

I've done both.

I don't read Japanese, so forgive me, but in many circumstances, it looks like entirely different scenes...... like in the guy who's chest looks to be blowing apart on the 360 and completely stable on the PS3.

I plan on retiring on several million dollars and I just hope that's enough in ~40 years.

@sc4ld: Yeah, it's fine for a female... but I'm pretty sure the author is a male, unless "Brian" is short for "Brianne" or something?

Nice... but 5' 11" 130 pounds...... is too thin.. like, you don't eat food and only snort coke thin. Your size now is probably much more healthy.

Microsoft's SyncToy 2.0 does a great job as well. It will sync with any typical storage and saves jobs for running them quickly. I sync weekly with my work computer and home computer (too many files for cloud syncing, plus behind work firewall so dropbox doesn't work), and then I sync those files again to a storage

I dual boot on a MacBook Pro at work and that's the one thing that drives me nuts about this... the windows settings for sound is so uneven. You can hear 3 bars down the hall way and around the corner, but 1 is barely audible.

On comedy shows, it's normal for actors to "over-act" something to make the typical mundane habits of life seem more interesting to the viewer. If they were accurately recreating life, then it would not be interesting to most viewers. When I play games, I'm sedentary and mostly still... except maybe my eyes are

Just to be fair... let's say that you can achieve the goal of a balanced budget in this videogame. Wouldn't it make sense, then, to just hire the programmer(s) of the game to actually balance the US Budget?

@Maave: Aye, the iPad is NOT worth $500. I've got one sitting in front of me, it's cool, it does cool things... but everybody who has used it in my office pretty much agrees: it's sort of useless.

The tax thing makes sense because of the Make Work Pay credit and the First TIme Homebuyers credit.

Yeah, gamers ought to understand net neutrality. Like, if net neutrality legislation is passed, gamers should know to expect being cut off in the midst of a gaming session because they've hit their ceiling on monthly bandwidth.

I'm hoping to buy a car... I have the financing but want to put down 20% and the sales tax is just pushing that 20% out of reach, while still having a safety net should a pipe burst or something.