The Albatross

I am the whitest man on earth, and go to the beach plenty during the summer... but I seriously have never spent more than $20 in a single year on sunscreen.

What are the odds that anybody who is addicted to gaming could EVER read this board start to finish...

This is totally unrealistic. If you're looking to save money while drinking beer, buy cheap beer. If you're looking to buy good tasting beer, spend the money. Home brewing, if you're looking to make good tasting beer, will generally take a rather sizeable investment into quality materials... and it also takes a lot

For things that are high security, bank passwords, and so on, I usually create a password and then turn it into an MD5 string. It just ends up taking about 10 extra seconds to open up an MD5 converter in Google, type in my PW, copy the MD5 string and go on my way.

I just can't physically do this. I want to, but I can't. My hardest task ....... sucks to deal with ... and I don't even know if I can achieve it. I'd rather just ignore it until I tell the client(s) that I can't deliver it. uggghhhh


VOTE: MediaFire.

I am an 8-9 am waker on weekdays. I usually get to work between 9:00 and 9:07am. Technically we do 8:30 to 4:30, but I'm usually here 9 - 5.

Mensa is one of the greatest ironies in the history of man.

I think if this were presented differently than "paying for a long demo" then it would be a good idea.

Woah man. This actually works very well. I'm really impressed. It also works in landscape (although if you're on the Droid like me, not much point).

Just installed it. Will report findings.

What should happen if they leak out all over your cheesecake!?

The only thing I'd want to expand on is DRM. It's likely that the votes will fall that people think DRM encourages piracy, especially with games like Assassins Creed 2 that have been DRM debacles, but still, despite the problems with DRM or other systems like it, they still overall have to be preventing piracy. In

Just got the update. But alls I wants is 2.1

This is cool and all, but more importantly, THIS WEBSITE IS HOSTED ON ANGEL FIRE?! All of a sudden, I'm being bombarded with memories of their shitty web interface... of their extensively long urls... of scrawling my website address across three lockers in high school...

Originally, I was annoyed by Silverlight... but it seems to work pretty well and do the job.

Uhh, okay. I've received messages on X-Box Live that were infinitely more insulting.

I'm so sick of Peter Molyneux talking about the unimpressive features of his games and acting as if they're life altering experiences. Okay, so you can change the clothes in your game... big deal. In any game that I play where you can do this, I usually find one look or style that I like, and I stick to it.