caught me by surprise on the Android screen shot... I thought there was a tightly integrated Google Docs app all of a sudden...
caught me by surprise on the Android screen shot... I thought there was a tightly integrated Google Docs app all of a sudden...
@Communist Agenda: I don't see how this is making capitalism work incorrectly. People want maps, as many as 1.3 million people. Company makes maps. People buy them. Consumers either value or don't value the purchase, if they value it, they will be likely to buy again. If not, they probably won't.
@PhatsMahoney: It could be interesting but also very frustrating. People complain enough about random spawns, and chalk up every death to a bad spawn. Imagine if a snow squall blew in just as you were about to kill somebody. Sure, eventually the amount of times you are helped and hurt will be even if it's random,…
@distaste: THey're doing it because Microsoft paid them to do it.
Oh man, when I read "Slide Screen" I thought that it was the "unlock" screen.
@Demonicume: Why not just use a table or old newspaper?
This strikes me as a bad idea... and I can see many a small child crawling onto the door which is specifically marked not to be crawled onto, and dishwasher drawer coming crashing out into child's head... or worse, dishwasher coming loose from the counter and crushing the child.
I love Sherlock Holmes, the novels at least, so I'm definitely interested in this. It's just so hard to capture the wit and cleverness of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in an original story, though.
@AgnosticTheocrat: I'm sure that you understand the difference between "Anti-religious" and "unreligious." Being secular does not necessitate being anti-religious. And, by and large, you'll be hard pressed to find an anti-religious political organization that, once establishing power, did not devolve into some sort…
Levine, undoubtedly, is influenced by Chesterton, Lewis, Huxley (obviously), and others, and it was one of the great surprises and additions to Bioshock that made the world that much more interesting.
Religious themes are usually more apparent in games than elsewhere, and usually more accepted. Games, more-often-than-not, tap into the cheesy themes drawn out by religious experience: end of world stuff, like Halo, Oblivion, Mass Effect, and so on.
Pssh, best live track by Tom Petty is Rebels
@doubtful: So help me god he has yellow eyes.
@BallPtPenTheif: psssh. You told your wife she was fat.
@Platypus Man: Go to the personalize settings, and you can customize it. I'm sure it's in there.
THis could be very useful to me. I often come to work 15mins late and my bootup noise gives me away...
Note to every male who may be reading this: DO NOT BUTTON THE TOP BUTTON UNLESS YOU ARE WEARING A TIE.
@jerrymedina: That's... not sarcasm.
@nrXic: I can't tell whether you've intentionally missed ForkinSocket's point, or whether you're just dumb.
8-Bit generation ...? The 8-Bit generation hovers around 30 these days. Hate to break it to you Toyota, but, uhh, we can afford grown up cars.