You can easily tell this as well when following website links. Sometimes the clicks just aren't accurate on the Droid, especially in lists with lots of links. I've made mistakes on my iPod touch with links as well, but more so on the droid.
You can easily tell this as well when following website links. Sometimes the clicks just aren't accurate on the Droid, especially in lists with lots of links. I've made mistakes on my iPod touch with links as well, but more so on the droid.
@Philip Marquis: I just looked at your link. In the time it would take me to read that page and possibly garner any useful information from it, I could install 64-bit OS's on every one of my systems.
@Philip Marquis: That's not true at all. In fact, 64-bit environments now have built in spell checking... so that post would be slightly more readable.
On 64-bit and aside from Cisco's VPN client, everything else works great on 64-bit. The Cisco VPN client is the only software that no matter what matter of crazy configuration you go with, no matter the settings, is just unsupported and will not work on 64-bit environment.
@LouisCameron: Android 2.0 does landscape for the onscreen keyboard, so I'm sure 2.1 does as well.
I'm disapointed by the headline... I had thought that MLB '10 the Show would have ESPN sponsorship in the game... woulda been pretty sweet.
From the thumbnail, I actually thought that was a screen shot of NCAA 2010 in the box there.
I liked Songbird a lot more than iTunes. I hate iTunes. However, my iPod or some such device either required it, or downloading it when I hooked it up ... and so I'm stuck :(
Question: How does this actually raise money?
SUcks that all of these will be accompanied by, yep, a monthly charge. Good for Sling that they can further monetize their platform, but there's not a chance in hell that companies like Charter, the satelites, and so on, are going to offer this for only the set-top price like with what you could do with Sling…
I could really use a small projector that does not require a power source. Gizmodo readers, does such a thing exist?
Somewhat phallic shaped? That... is not phallic shaped any more than your iPhone is.
@GoonerVance: Yes, of the two American characters in the game, and undoubtedly the most important one, he was the most evil bad guy in the world... Certainly sounds super pro-American, anti-Arab to me!
@GoonerVance: If you played MW2, then you would realize that the Americans are, very clearly, the bad guys and portrayed as barbaric and full of terrorists.
@jack2pot: Yeah and people have been stereotyping the Irish as drunk half-humans for 1500 years, those are the breaks.
Well, that's what they get for using an MP map with the name of an actual place. For what it's worth, the Maryland level in SP does not look like any neighborhood in Maryland that I've ever been in ... but, more or less a generic "McMansion neighborhood."
In a word? No.
If film makers, authors, and comic book writers had their choice, and they wanted to make games almost perfectly replications of the movie, book, or comic, then they would simply remove all choice from the player.
Hey Kotaku, how about you stop linking to tags that don't have any content? Not to be a bother, but it's annoying clicking a link to only be brought to a page that says "no content exists for this tag."
It's a little too bad that NHL '10 didn't get any mention on here, but I think it's because it's been a stellar game for 3 straight years. It's been, hands down, EA's best sports game for the last few years... I'm not even really a fan of hockey, but I still pick up the game because it's so damn good. I think,…