@therage33: I don't really care much for celebrity news, but therage33's post is pure gold.
@therage33: I don't really care much for celebrity news, but therage33's post is pure gold.
These could prove a formidable challenge to the game. Back before CS 1.5 came out, Valve created the "CS Bot" for the BETA roll-out of Steam... to attract people to use it. The bots were extremely intelligent in playing Counter-Strike and acted very human-like in their behaviors. At the time, I was a die hard CS…
@Vaegrin: This is probably the best description of what the Randean writers of Bioshock were going for, and I laud you for describing it so well.
@ubermex: Please learn to read the article yourself and tell me what standard qualifies this as "research." A tiny population sampling and a ridiculous generationalization for a conclusion: "bourbon drinkers generally said they feel worse."
This is totally junk science and not true. Bourbon and dark colored liquors might have more things in them, but none of them have been proven to produce a hangover more or less than clear colored liquors. There is no research that suggests any of this to be true.
@PabloG: My thoughts as well. That phrase that you copied is where I said, "oh, gimme a break.. you're talking about a videogame." I have advanced degrees, I've done all sorts of schooling, I scored well on the GREs in language, but I don't know what "Semiotic" means. The author obviously knew that his statement…
Solid introduction to a common videogame concept, though the article never gets anywhere, and the author clearly used his thesaurus too much. Well written, especially for a videogame article, but if a more common word will do just as well as a more complex word, use the common word, or you sound stupid yourself. …
Games with significant cooperative elements need to market with different means. I thought, with Left4Dead, this game, Army of Two, and other games where coop is a significant experience in the game, the publishers ought to come up with a plan where if you buy more than 1 game at once, then you get a volume discount…
@Johnny Neat: The spawn-to-spawn hasn't happened to me although, you are right, there are some maps that can be exploited for that reason, but generally, it's not enough to disrupt the flow of the game and it's rare that a team is consistently held down unless they're just not trying. Bog was one of my favorite maps…
I've always found it interesting that Michael Moore is willing to criticize, say, gushing consumerism and how it "fools people [with dim spirits]." Yet obviously, by account of his excessive weight, by his obsession with criticizing things that other people may be happy with (ie, jobs, philosophies, their own health…
MBP... 1920 x 1200.
@wtf_G: Half-Life 2, Bioshock (until the last 30 minutes), Fallout 3, Oblivion, Uncharted 2, uhhh, almost any game. I dislike Halo and Gears, but even those single player campaigns are better.
@Detre: IMO, that is what makes the game part of why it is good — you need to have a balanced team in order to win. Somebody has to be willing to sacrifice kills to take down aircraft; somebody has to be willing to build a class that can counter the 1887s (which isn't difficult, although I'm glad to see them getting…
Regardless of the glitches, the multiplayer is a strong improvement from MW1 and WaW. The single player was an aweful joke of a game and I'm disapointed that more or less respected gaming outlets gave it a pass on a very poor single player game, but the multiplayer is still hopelessly addicting and a lot of fun.
t3desk: makes your desktop useless.
Be weary of course of accidentilly merging non-dupes. Ie, my sister and my mother have the same name and on my droid, my sister showed up under my mother's record as a nickname... only took a few seconds to fix, but it got me once when I thought "what... why is my mom calling me at midnight...?"
Voiceover isn't bad. It seems much more like an investors guide than anything else. The game looks freaking awesome too. I'm surprised how much it looks like GTA, like from the aiming reticule to some of the player movements.
Red Dead Redemption is a game that I want. And Mafia II. Any word on Fallout: New Vegas?
@riguitargod: When you're in the post office... there's always someone watching you!!