My mail man can't take cash? hmmm... I think my mom always gave $20 in cash.
My mail man can't take cash? hmmm... I think my mom always gave $20 in cash.
It would have been a neat and novel idea to do that, but for a game console, when not everybody is online or connected, it could become very annoying not to have any local storage.
I wish that the 2K series wasn't trash. I bought a PS3 just to play MLB The show. Pretty much spent ~$460 on a single baseball game.
My girlfriend has a DS and a few games, but that's about the extent of her videogaming prowess. I'm happy with that, I like to play with my guy friends, and it'd be weird if my girlfriend played CoD with us or something... because I'd have to defend her against the hordes of trash.
True life, notepad isn't that bad, it's exactly what it purports to be... completely plain text, nothing else.
Basically, Uncharted 2 fomented this list — which I totally agree with... it's the best game of 2009. But every other game in the top 10 is multi-console.
@Covertghost: I did beat and enjoy Uncharted 2... but aside from that...
I was about to say "DAMN!" but then I remembered that I have a PS3. I just haven't turned it on in ages.
I suppose I'd play with him. But I'd hope he wouldn't jump into a game of MW2 ... because the race relations nightmare that would ensue would derail the country from any other significant agendas.
My battery plate has been pretty stable, but I can see it getting loose in time, so I might do this anyway... or store it back in the recesses of my brain.
An interesting question is brought to light in the first paragraph: in a world where jumping is almost never necessary, why is there such insistence in videogames. Nearly every modern videogame has a jump button, yet it is such a rarity that anybody ever really have to jump in "real life."
Backbreaker has been in development for three or four years. As far as I'm concerned, it's still vaporware. All of the power in the world to them and I hope they present a compelling alternative to EA football, but from what I've seen, if you like football — not even if you care about the NFL, teams, players,…
@Kovitlac: At least with My Little Pony, you know what the game is.
Hm. Dante's Inferno seems almost pointless for the PS3 given that God of War 3 is undoubtedly going to be better than it. I had thought of Dante's Inferno as the poorly named substitute for God of War 3, for those who don't have a PS3 to play GoW3... So it seems odd for the demo to launch earlier on the PS3 than…
Aviary is really a great addon to FireFox. I use it daily.
@Foxstar is in love with Kotaku's two Brians.: Madden was a significant upgrade this year, the biggest since the 2000 to 2001 / PSX to PS2 jump. Many in the NCAA community were really disapointed to see that NCAA 2010 was an incremental upgrade to '09 ... it was still solid, but should have seen more added after the…
"Athletics Director" mode is something that NCAA has been pushed to make a move on... reason being, the Dynasty mode in NCAA is ambiguous — you don't really know who you are... Are you playing as the coach, the recruiter, the AD, the president of the school? It's an ambiguous mode that is great year in and year out,…
@chris.f: I bought a house that I can afford. And I am more than happy to accept my money from the Feds. I pay more than 4x that credit in taxes every year, and I'm sure I'd still pay the same amount regardless of if I get $8000, so ... F it, I'll take what I think is due to me.
@NorwoodIsMyHero: Real estate should definitely still be looked at as an investment, but not *just* as an investment. Regardless of how much money you pour into an IPO somewhere, that company will never let you and your family live in their office building.
@JordanW: Never? What about like four years ago?