@KaneRobot: And my mom said I'd never get ANYWHERE readin these blogs! #pennyarcadescholarship
@KaneRobot: And my mom said I'd never get ANYWHERE readin these blogs! #pennyarcadescholarship
It's a great move for sports gaming immersion. I was very pleased to have heard this early on and didn't know how they'd follow through with it, but by all accounts, they've done a great job.
Big fan of the French Press. I have one with a glass colender (sp) and the rest is plastic around it... keeps it all cool to the touch. I love my french press. #coffee
Fact: accurate accident sketches will save your ass. I spent real time drawing up a sketch of a single car accident (me) and managed to get my insurance company to agree that this accident, involving only me, was less than 50% my fault. It was my greatest personal victory. #insurance
Let me be the first to say that I am excited for the new GTA DLC coming out tomorrow. #talkamongstyourselves
Haha, this is a pretty good question.
I see this industry similar to those who do rosters for college football games. Many of them get no monetary compensation, and the NCAA communities typically frown on those roster editors who do ask for money. Donations are always welcome and long time roster users (like myself) almost always pitch in $10 - $20 to…
My life is pretty much this. I have a lot of meetings, but if I could wager a guess, I'd say that almost every Tuesday at either 2:30 or 3:00... I've been in a meeting. The reason is obvious: it's not monday, which is a day when you do no work, and it's not Tuesday morning — which sometimes get the…
Sweet, the best buy near my house is doing it. #modernwarfare2
The reason that there is any correlation is this: Comcast & other ISPs will regularly do credit checks for new customers, and if you have a Comcast account, that likely means that you are some sort of home owner or renter, and that you have some financial accountability. #remainders
sweeet. If it's a) faster & b) can sync my desktop bookmarks, that's all I care about o' FireFox. #mozilla
@DarthXehanort: I suppose there's nothing wrong with benevolent communism, just in that there's nothing wrong with benevolent nazism. There's nothing ideologically wrong with either, they've just never existed and — likely — cannot exist given the human condition. #toshihironagoshi
@BigManMalone: Hm. As a fairly conservative person, I've taken many of the GTA games to be total affirmations of capitalism and rejections of the underlying socialist-totalitarianism of most other games... where you usually play as some benevolent global police. The simple motivator of money in the GTA games,…
I think that my GF would kill me if I proposed to her in a videogame. My sisters & mom, too.
Question: Does this only happen when you open a link while already in FireFox? For instance, if I'm opening a PDF on my desktop, then I wouldn't want it to open up FF and Google Docs PDF Viewer.
When will LifeHacker start giving background quality photos in a resolution that more people can use? I mean, maybe the majority of average users have a 1280x960 or 1024x768, but a good portion of LH's visitors have to be on 1920x ... you'd think. #wallpaper
White on black ... I dunno. Staring at that for 4 hours late at night would probably rot my brain. #texteditor
Restarting and booting down to, say, check a balance, defeats the purpose of online banking. Why not call your bank instead, from inside a wire-mesh box with tinfoil on your head?
My story was better than all of these because it involves me.
They did a good job. Since Road Rash 3, no RR game had been able to capture the great comabt of RR3... the racing became "too realistic" to the point where actually getting beside someone for any sizeable period of time became impossible. Road Rash 3D for the PSX was an ambitious game... but the combat was poor and…