The Albatross

My investment strategies were the same throughout, I didn't want to get left off the wagon when things picked up again... I lost a lot last year, but have finally eclipsed those losses this year. I guess I'm only 25, too, so I've got some time before retirement...

I support Fences. I do not support John Mayer.

I'd miss ESPN, ESPN2, NESN, Comcast Sports network, and whatever else I can catch football, MLB, Celtics, and Bruins on. It's basically the only tv I regularly watch is sports... and the occassional Discovery Ch, History, etc.

I am aware of my calorie intake and specifically purchase foods with lower calories and sat fats than the alternatives.

@Clive Bavels: "There are a few interesting ideas but as usual, it's mostly padded out with too much self-indulgent elitist waffle and clever-clever smugness."

Achievements are not pointless, it they're done well they add a ton to the game. Case in point, the Orange Box, beating the game was one thing... but beating the game while only firing one bullet was so rewarding and put an entirely different spin on the game. Sure, I could have done that without Valve setting the

@SuperTuna: Only if you're willing to share her.

@battra92: Good for you man, seriously.

Vote: scale

The Dante's Inferno branding of this really bothered me because it's just a ridiculous misbranding. Calling this "Dante's Inferno" is like making an FPS called "Dicken's Tale of Two Cities," where you play a main character named Charles Dickens who leads the 3rd Estate in a bloody Call-of-Duty-esque campaign set

Agreed on Apple's auto-downloader crap that insists on downloading tons of stupid crap just because I installed iTunes w/ my iPod. Hate that.

@onaclov2000: It can be done and is popular for hooking up a 360 to a wireless network. Google "Tethering 360 to wireless" or something similar.

just wondering — I've got a Wireless N card in my computer... will the ad hoc broadcast at N strength? I connect w/ a wire but had this card from my old apt, which was wireless.

I've used mostly Twhirl and Tweekdeck, but I'm not voting for any of them because while I use TweetDeck the most, I have complaints with almost every aspect of it. NO VOTE!

Freakin love him. Perfect use of Arab Money, haha.

Coffee, has been for ... 10 years I guess.

I generally make the coffee around here because I drink the most of it. I'm anal when it comes to maintanance of the maker, cleaning the bots, etc. Those effervescent denture cleaners really do the trick on coffee mud that gets seared into the carafe after somebody leaves the burner on over the weekend... Pour some

@John Paul Velasquez: I think that you can do some of those within FF's configurations. I know you can with email, and I'd imagine it might be possible w/ Google Docs too.

@jdoree: Seconded. Who uses Google toolbar anymore?