The Albatross


I use a french press if I'm making coffee only for myself, and a cuisinart drip if I am making it for 2 or more.

Pretty neat and of course I'll turn this on. IT's too bad though, that everybody following me from work will be able to tell what I'm actually doing when I "work from home."

Is there any way to get .NET FrameWork apps to run with Firefox? I have a proprietary CMS product we have to use at work with a .NET file manager... any way to get that functioning in FireFox? If I try to run it in FF it just tries to download the app... running in IE does the correct thing, opening the app as the

For some reason, this grosses me out.

Beatles Rock Band, obviously.

Pretty cool that this isn't just an alternate uni's pack. Now, if it had the classic players, that'd be awesome... but I know the licensing prevents that. Still, pretty neat addition.

Well I'm glad that Deval Patrick is proclaiming today videogame day rather than ... you know ... that whole vacant senate seat thing ...

Great... MySpace support...

AND ANOTHER THING... the original draw for me to RTM was that it handled things in plain English... ie, "Finish Admissions project due September 20th at 11:30am" added a task "finish Admissions project," with a due date of Sept 20 and time of 11:30. I'm sure that functionality is still in there, but even as a "RTM

I like this addition, but the one thing that has changed ... either for better or worse is that newly created tasks don't start as "Checked." Now, this can be annoying sometimes, but I use RTM as a way to remember what I've done at work for monthly reviews/meetings, and so a lot of times at the end of the day I go

@prosonik: Brocoli on pizza is awesome. Caio Bella, in Worcester, MA ... their 'Greco Pizza,' w/ Broc, Feta, oil, and Moz is out of this world.

Okay so I'm going to cheat and name a restaurant... I only know of two locations, one in Vegas and another near Disney in Florida, but the Earl of Sandwich had this thing called "The Ultimate Grilled Cheese," and when you think of a Grilled Cheese... you think, well, how ultimate can it really be?

I agree with this for criticism of GTAIV. A better look at this would even be GTA:San Andreas or Vice City, where you certainly seemed like an integral part of the respective cities: owning casinos, clubs, property, managing criminal areas, dominating entire sections of Los Angeles.

It is NOT you. This summer sucked and now it's freaking over because it's like 45 degrees when I wake up in the morning. And all of these rotten students are back at school here making noise in MY hallways while I read Kotaku. It's a freaking travesty.

It's plausible. A lot of sports game fans play their favorite game right up until the release of the next one. I don't play sports games as much as I used to, although I still like them, but back in the glory days... like my freshman year of college, I played about 10 seasons of Madden 2004 that year, with about 18

1) Run as fast as Chrome PLEAAASE!?

Still works in FF how it should.

@Karlott: I believe that is at a 93, compared to Terrel Owens' 96. Certainly nothing to shed a tear over, if you ask me!