The Albatross

I've been looking for a good granola recipe. I get yogurt parfaits at this coffee place near me, and their granola is so freaking good ... I've gone to the super market and tried almost any granola that looks similar (ie, not many flakes, crunchy things, heavy, no nuts), but I haven't had any success.

What?! Pinbusters is last!?

@enki: Same exact setup as you ... Apple Keyboard + MX Revo that I bought for $40. I also have 2 other MX Revos.

Enough people simply have trouble running on a regular schedule, let alone training themselves to breath to a certain pattern. Next up: control your heart rate during sex for better performance!!

Agreed with this. It really freaking bothers me if somebody shows up more than 10 minutes early to something. Performing an interview takes a serious chunk of your day, and knowing that somebody is waiting for you throws off your work rhythm. 90% of the time I hope that the interviewee just doesn't show because

I use Gmail's inline chat because I never have to DL an app and it saves all of my convos in a fully searchable format in Gmail. It's really come in handy when I need to pull out a phone # somebody IM'd to me but I didn't write down... or to catch sometime renegging on something they said one day.

I use outlook at work, and used to love desktop based email, but Gmail's labelling/searching/etc is so much quicker than even Outlook 2007 + Windows search, that I use Gmail. Same with Entourage.

The "instant accountability" one is definitely true for me. I used to pay my major bills with my credit card to avoid potential overdrafts by taking it out of checking, but as the end of the credit cycle came around, I had trouble accepting that the cash that I actually had available was much less than my checkings

Got my coupon printed out and I'm ready to go! Just gotta wait for everybody to get to work ... and then I'll leave once they all see me in my office....

Surprised that Twitter is just 10% on LH.

Hm... I'm moving within the next month, hopefully my last move for a while (buying, whoopee!), and this could be pretty helpful. THanks LH.

I shake everybody's hands. Granted, I work on a computer all day in an IT office ... so I don't really have the dirtiest job in the world.

Second day owning my new car (well, used, but new for me) back in 2006, I was getting out of the car and got hooked by something, dropping a large coffee in the car, that proceeded to explode and expell coffee everywhere all over the interior. It was gross.

GIMP will do the trick.

This turned up in a Google search, and as a regular Kotaku reader, I have to post about how Kaldenberg, the topic of this article, is a total thief. He's been taking other people's hard work and passing it off as his own for years. The reason he "Stays away from internet message boards" is because he's been so

I'm glad that in the midst of two wars, an economic recession, pending universal health coverage, nuclear ambitions of two of the craziest countries in the world, and infinite other problems, somebody has the foresight to keep in mind what is REALLY important: THE BROWSER WAR!

And now all we need is the lawsuit for the idiot who puts these on while playing MW2 and gets his retinas burned by a flash bang.

Move to New England, as this is the coldest summer on record.

I wish that temperatures were sky rocketing. I think it's hit 80 once in the last 2 months in Massachusetts. Usually we're in the midst of a 90s+ heatwave in July, not this year.

Prior to September 1, it's sad, but the majority of my paycheck actually goes to taxes. I pay about 3x as much in state & federal taxes as I do in rent, not counting sales tax, gas tax, etc.. just the state & federal withholding.