The Albatross

@jcabraham: According to Planet Earth, the evergreen belt that circles the earth south of the North pole is the most absorptive, and generally, we don't touch that because it's too damn difficult to get to.

@NicodemusJahooby: This might sound crazy, but is it me, or does microwaved water not stay as hot and taste differently than boiled water on a stove?

This is huge for me... I just switched to OSX as my primary computer after my desktop PC (which I used to do photo stuff on) died. I was aghast that there wasn't a Picasa for it — it seemed obvious.

When for 3.1... it's been talked about so much.

WHEN. WHEN is the full release. I've been holding out on DLing the beta, it's like reliving the anxiety associated with advent as a child.

Eh, I get five weeks. I used ... like nearly all of them. I think that I have 1 1/2 days left. But... I get a Christmas break from the 22nd to Jan 4th, so I'm likely not going to have time to use them. Poor me.

Great, now MAc users can experience the incredible selection of ... every bad movie made between 1978 and 1994, and nothing else.

I have Gmail open permanently in a tab on the left of every computer I use. With Foxmarks, it makes it pretty easy.

@MercyEleusis: And it never fails to find someone who doesn't understand the meaning of "free," especially when the "free" refers to the Federal government.

hot beer is disgusting and smells aweful. Room temperature beer for certain types, for me, is alright... chocolate or imperial stouts, but I rarely drink those, and I can't drink a more typical IPA at anything other than pretty cold.

Genius... sometimes off the mark? Genius is _always_ off the mark. I listen to mostly like college pop and indie (sure, sure, hate the name, but whatever, I don't care anymore), like Guster, Ben Folds, Sufjan, Fleet Foxes, Okkervil, Josh Rouse, etc... y'know, like mellow, mostly accousticish stuff. Genius

I _HATE_ "Going Forward." It's become the buzz phrase at work for months now as we're adopting these projects... it's used to substitute actual substance. "I think that we should do this ... going forward." Instead of like, "I think that we should do this because, a), b), c)..." 'going forward' has become almost

Yeah, let's take the worse feature from Vista and tack it onto XP.

Also known as the "You're at work, no need to go on LifeHacker again" bookmarklet.

Just tell me when it's going to be out :(

Yeah I got an e-mail and was invited last night. Says it should be ready today at 5:00PM EST today.

That's great. I may actually use them over Google's apps if that's the case.

I'm not Christina Aguilera fan, but her music isn't bad, she's got a tremendous voice even though I don't care for those ... persistent runs in every song, it's her thing.

I can understand the scanner, landline, fax machine... although, at work, I live and die by about all of these. I don't own a scanner, landline, printer, or fax for personal use... but, except the scanner, I use all of those almost every day at work. A good deal of business in the US is done on fax machines, and