The Albatross

I'd like to get into delicious, I've had an account there for ever but never set anything up or went through the trouble of it. So I bookmark locally and sync with foxmarks... which I absolutely love. Most of my computers have similar displays (I have three, home PC, work Mac, Work PC), so I don't have any trouble

I get paid once a month. This isn't exactly possible for me to save a little every day...

Oh my, the wiki edit wars will never be the same. Reminds of going back and forth for months as to whether Bill Buckley was a crypto-nazi or not. Progress.

I was excited about this... but there's way too much stuff on the left panel for Gmail. My left column is like a mile long and the right has nothing. I know Gmail labs lets you put contacts and labels on the left, but c'mon, let us move around everything!

Eh. General rule: anything that cannot be recovered is not worth recovering.

@thechedude: Eh, it's actually one major reason why I won't pick up GH or RB (and also the price). I just don't have room in my apt to put that stuff and I don't like the idea of having to essemble a controller when I want to play a game.

@reyrey: As 17 people have said before me, there is no correlation between music-based rhythm/timing games and any sort of decrease in musical interest. Statistics suggest an increase, too. Plus, with a lot of these games having mixing and track creation modes, people can learn the basics of music theory with some

Eh, I think it's a lot easier to run a 5K than to save $5K.

Yeah seems to be dead right now, or going really slow. I hadn't known about MixTurtle though. This site is awesome. Every once in a while, I love the internet. Most days, I hate the internet. Today is a great day for the internet

Great addition. If only you could add these to the right. My pages are way too long now :(

Gotta note though that this isn't always accurate. Google often doesnt get exact street numbers correct. Unless this has changed wildly in the last few weeks.

Tunebite is excellent for converting to any format quickly. It can be resource heavy, so be sure not to use your computer while it's running — you can get some skipping songs or the occassional IM "BLOOP" in the middle of a track, so turn off everything else that might make noise or slow your machine down. Also,

I disagree with the idea of running water through to make it hot, ESPECIALLY in a crappy coffee maker. A certain amount of water will evaporate when you make coffee if the water is too hot and it will make it uneven.

having used it for a week or so, or whatever it is now, I like it a lot more. For most things, it was a lateral change. For Gmail, my feeds, and other stuff, it's much better. Sometimes I have trouble figuring out how to go back to normal, but then I remember.

Where in MA is six hours from anywhere in CT? I guess Newbury Port (very north east tip of MA) to Stamford (very South West tip of CT) would be about 3 1/2... so both ways. But... there's got to 100 Gamestops between there.

Great, my PC desktop will look like my ... desk ... desktop. Filled with crap that I can never find.

Y'know, and I'm not finished ::climbs back on box:: It is almost entirely likely, as well, that you could trace certain habits to an environment. College students tend to be more liberal than the general society (which, hypothetically, let's say is more or less split over the last 10 years), and also, college

These are the most ridiculous, bogus studies... the ones that try to associate some DNA-configured trait towards a personal disposition. I'm sure that 1,000 liberals can be found who are very neat, and 1,000 conservatives who are very messy, and vice-versa. While I don't usually reveal political leanings around

Eh, I get paid monthly. Which sounds like it sucks, but I've gotten pretty used to it... I'm billed monthly for almost all of my bills too, so it's not so bad. I think it almost makes it easier to budget.