The Albatross

making eye contact is not a good idea. Most people will get the wrong signal that you're either a creep or pissed off at them. Driving instructors all suggest avoiding eye contact... and think about it, the only time you try to make eye contact with other drivers is when they're doing something ridiculous or you

I def. text more than I talk. I had a total of 4 minutes of voice time last month, but probably sent/received ~500 text messages.

Buy and sell used cardboard boxes near you ... unless you live 100 miles in and around central Massachusetts, in which case, THERE ARE NO BOXES FOR YOU!

I've lost about 35 lbs in the last year, depending. And a few things worked for me. Hopping on that scale _every morning_ and then plugging in my weight into an excel spreadsheet kept my mind thinking about it. I'd have ups and downs as I wasn't really tryign to only lose weight, but just sort of get myself into

I've switched over to Gtalk, but I do sync up my old AIM screen name with it. The reason America is on AIM is because AOL was such a well known ISP in the 1990s and people naturally associated that with the screen name/IM phenomenon. Even once AIM became available for other ISPs, the AOL subscriber base kept

How are mouse gestures not included? The quintesential epitome of the best of Right Click.

On the front page...

The "steal phone and plug in number" seems to be the most common method of number sharing these days.

Wait a second. Did anybody know that Ted Kennedy;s Chappaquiddick scandal happened on _the same day_ as the Moon landing? I had no idea! Seriously, flip to page 2, this is news!

The Find function is also done very well. Find is one of those things... like in IE, I Was like "Well this works exactly how I'd want it to..." then I use FF and I'd say, "Well damn, FF has find figured out even better, can't be improved." Chrome's find is better — it automatically highlights all instances of the

Liking it a lot so far. Speed is great, I like the layout of everything. I just made it my primary browser in windows just to force the concept through. I think that it renders pages better than FireFox.

It's Out

I love everything Google so I'll be DLing it... but I've got FF setup exactly the way that I want it... so I don't know if I can make the switch.

I work in Higher Ed and commute about 8/10ths of a mile to work. I'm happy with my 8:30 - 4:30 schedule.

@evangelistc01: Agreed. $60 is very reasonable for Office 2007, which I think is a great product.

I bought a non-smart phone (a dumb phone) a couple months back (the Env2) and I've been happy with it so far for the price (no bump in monthly fees, while all my iphone/smartphone friends are paying $90/month)... and the phone itself was like $30 after Best Buy gave me some stupid good deal.

$5/Gallon is a pretty reasonable estimate, if it's 2008-dollars/considered for inflation. Keep in mind, gas in 2006, at $2.50/gallon was only about $1 than gas in 1996 when adjusted for inflation (roughly between $.80 to $1.00 depending on the time of year, and so on). In that time, there have been a number of

@acarr260: You'd trade the price of gas for basic civil rights?

For anybody seriously considering a hockey game, then they've already paid for NHL '09. If not literally, then in spirit.