
You don’t think they’re working on that already on multiple fronts?
Do you think they didn’t use horses or trains to build the automobile industry needs when it was in its infancy?
Reducing demand for unrenewable fossil fuels everywhere is the goal, it doesn’t mean we’re all of a sudden prohibited from using them while

I still find it strange he wasn’t in it though.

The withdrawals by Celsius executives... don’t look good from an optics perspective,

Yep banks aren’t our friends, but they are FDIC insured.

Turns out the enemy of your enemy can also be your enemy.

It’s like, acting’s bullshit, right? Like, at the end of the day, it’s all about fucking bullshit.”

Apples Reply:  That’s a feature to keep people from getting addicted to social media.

Get the fuck out of here, asshole.

Man I miss the 80's and 90's when everyone wasn’t acting like a little b*tch about everything.” I, too, wish the government of Florida didn’t act like the LGBT+ community had cooties.


Shut the fuck up snowflake

You can’t leave the system that necessitates your coerced labor though. If you have to pick up another similarly dehumanizing job immediatly or suffer permanent, life threatening conditions, and suffer a more mild version of the conditions in the interim, you’re really just moving from one state of unwillful bondage

To Libertarians and Libertarian-adjacent people, “do this or starve” is still a 100% free and voluntary choice and you’re a terrorist if you say it’s in any way coercive.

It’s more like a late stage indentured servitude, which is still a form of slavery.

What if we combined the worst impulses of late-stage capitalism with modern day slavery, BUT ON THE BLOCKCHAIN?!?

Explain how it’s perfectly reasonable?

Why don’t you just program some NPC’s into your game who can populate the world or walk back and forth? You know, the way games have been doing for decades now?

Dear NFT People,