
“And if you press forward on the joystick, he walks. He WALKS people! This is a new generation of gaming!”

Yep, I can definitely wait to get exploited by a digital horse.

You couldn’t be more backwards if you were spitting pea-soup and throwing a preacher out a window.

An unwanted fetus is technically a home invader...

The end-game is to enable every child to be their own Jean-Claude Van Damme, at which point everything will mysteriously be fine somehow.

What we need is is more good-guy-with-a-gun-shootings to outweigh all these bad-guy-with-a-gun shootings.

Blah blah blah, bargain-basement Lex Luthor paid someone to silence them about his lack of self-control; hypocrite. The offer is the issue, not the acceptance.


You’re completely ignoring the fact that Mr. FreeSpeech payed hush-money.

He’s right though, Chief does not fuck...

Diamond hands indeed.

If your jizz looks like melted marshmallows, I’d suggest visiting a doctor.

I found a few in Atlanta and definitely determined they were NOT any type of bomb.

Sadly no Half-Life 3

Not like you can’t just re-use the exact same character specs without the whole NFT nonsense either. Who is going to police that?

Even after all that I’m struggling with exactly what problem this is designed to solve in D&D.

If I drop money

TIL this is a thing, and there is a door cup film adhesive.

You misspelled retard

The first rule about coke orgies is you don’t talk about coke orgies.