
Actually, in the Fox News narrative, we are supposed to forget Katrina.

He’s hoping to peak right around December.

It’s not quite like that. There are some things that can impact your credit in a positive way, quickly, like paying off a maxed out credit card. It lowers your debt utilization ratio. There isn’t drag on the time to get your score better.

I agree with you on almost all of this, but the truth is that GOP candidates don’t talk about Bernie at all, because he’s not going to be the nominee (Trump does, but he doesn’t count for the same reason).

Well, you may have found your niche!

Serious question: Are you a writer?

So, I don’t see Tractor Supply on this list. Uh oh.

Wasn’t he only going to hire “quality people”? I guess we know what qualities he’s looking for.

Donald Trump told the Times in a phone interview that he did not know Davidson, but that “my people tell me she did a terrible job.”

The tricky first step to learning about financial independence is to really examine your own lifestyle (I realize this has been written over and over). If you really look at consumption, you start getting the ability to change your mind way before you fully achieve financial independence. My wife and I are far from

Beyond what I’ve already listed, she was a driving force for CHIP, investigating damages to 9/11 first responders, she brokered human rights agreements with Burma, instigated free trade agreements. She was also a lawyer and law professor and is better educated than any first lady before her.

As a former Senator, former Secretary of State, and early advocate for healthcare reform, Hillary Clinton should be proud of her position as a leader in the establishment.

too late, but you’re right. Everyone will say that Sanders is Gandalf (he’s not)

Well, it will sound a little pedantic, but really fewer people dislike Jeb Bush than they dislike Trump. Sanders is literally the only candidate who had a net favorable rating on either side.

So, what’s weird about this calculation is that it ignores the fact that if you’re saving for retirement, your spending can’t be your entire current income (because you’re inherently saving).

That’s a picture of him telling the story of the time he killed a guy in ‘Nam!

So wonderful!

While I agree with your premise, head-to-head polls before the primaries aren’t really worth citing. It’s hard to believe but a lot of people who will vote no nothing about most of the candidates at this point.

Neither of the primary candidates are claiming that the poll carries weight. It was just part of an article about the candidates. It can pretty much be ignored without comment. If it were being cited by a candidate, we could ignore it with comment to how useless it is.

The poll does indicate that and it matters about as much as the predictions of a psychic clam. Clinton and Sanders will both use any tool that makes them appear to be the more electable, so we need to be critical of the tools they use.