He’s referring to not being able to afford daycare costs on half of their income. Pretty different.
He’s referring to not being able to afford daycare costs on half of their income. Pretty different.
I think that the thinking is that if one parent loses a job, they may switch to stay-at-home. We’ve been pretty aggressively cutting costs to avoid this, if it came to that, but we’re also not there, yet.
So, you’re timing the market. How do you know it will get to your level? Most data shows that the best time to put money in the market is when you have it.
My wife and I were in a raw milk coop for about four years. We liked how fresh the milk was, but she couldn’t drink it raw. She always got some lower digestive discomfort (if you know what I mean). We always had to microwave it for drinking. Largely speaking, we were using it for cheese.
A couple of points on that: Even though lifespans have increased consistently since the 1940’s (when the current “traditional retirement age” of 62 was established), about half of people are retired by 62. This, even though most expect to retire at 66 or older.
You have the right idea. If the interest rate is the same, go ahead and pay the lowest amount. You’ll get the win and be able to dedicate that money to your next debt.
Typical returns from the S&P 500 have been over 7% annually, adjusted for inflation. With high rates on debt like you’re describing, I’d agree with you, but when your debts get to around 4%, it’s worth considering investing.
When one has assets like this guy has, the Emergency Fund is sort of unnecessary. For the rest of us, I agree with you.
Some people like to use a line of credit or other available debt in place of an emergency fund. If one has assets like the guy in the article, this is probably a valid option, but for most people, an immediately available Emergency Fund in an easy access account is probably safer.
You should pay it against the loans with the highest rate. This will eliminate all your debt in the shortest time and at the least expense.
Given that the interest rate on used car loans is usually fairly high and that cars depreciate while you own them (especially new cars), this was probably a good investment.
The cook didn’t realize that if there’s pink in it that’s the definition of Medium Well?
In addition to this, you are drawing from the Roth to give income that would be in your top tax bracket, lowering your effective rate in each individual year. If you withdraw from a Roth first, you are paying your bottom rate on that money (which effectively negates the value of a Roth)
I came here to make snarky remarks and then read a very insightful article.
I think that employment was a major aspect of what makes these towns affordable.
I enjoy How to Cook Everything, but it is pretty limited and is pretty consistently designed to cook for four people. That might be really convenient for some, but not so much for others. Also, it has a lot of variations that get pretty repetitive.
I was supposed to go to a ceremony on this frigate in NYC on July 3. Got dis-invited, last night.
Just a warning, this is a really messy technique.
Well, this article shows a number of services at $9.99/month, but the crazy thing is that I just looked at Rhapsody.com and saw that they are offering the same price for their deluxe service. I think I’m still at $14.99! I need to get them to drop my price and so do you!