God damn it. Stick to sports and stop talking about the MLS!
God damn it. Stick to sports and stop talking about the MLS!
May I suggest a new Deadspin mascott, Sticky; The Stick-to-Sports Stick. Sticky lives in Jim Spanfeller’s butt.
It’s not as dangerous in the mud! No one has any grip, you can’t launch off as hard, and the landing is soft. Rain football on a muddy field is fun for everyone.
I’m sorry but China is not one of the world’s most brutal and repressive regimes
They also put the guy with a Hispanic name in LA and the two black guys in Houston and DC!! Subtlety is not their strong point.
On paper, they would not be the favorite versus either of the A.L. teams. But given that this is postseason baseball and weirder things have happened before, there’s no ruling anything out. They’re hot enough with good enough starting pitching that they certainly have a fighting chance; here’s hoping.
The Astros and Yankees are likely better than the Nationals, but so were the Dodgers. They’ve certainly got good enough starting pitching to win.
The potential Chinese market is 4x as big as the American market.
I think the most charitable defense possible of this statement is players understand that Morey’s tweet might end up dramatically slashing career earnings for a good chunk of the league. NBA players generally only get to hit the free market once or mayyybe twice, and lot of random players will miss out on their one…
I’ve been a baseball fan for most of my life, and became a Nats fan shortly after the team and I both moved to DC. I love baseball, and this team, more than is really reasonable for a mostly well adjusted adult. Baseball has been the thing I’ve turned to when I needed a boost, and the Nats have been there for me when…
Red Sox fan here. I believe it.
Giant fans are the goddamn worst.
...and that’s why I enjoy sports from my couch.
Oh my god. OH MY GOD. I can’t believe that happened.
At least here in a America we stick to real, hard hitting on field issues like if Baker Mayfield actually shook Richard Sherman’s hand or not.
The surest sign that China is overtaking the United States as a superpower is how even quicker they are to act like aggrieved, authoritarian-supporting snowflakes.
I never thought I would be nostalgic for Cerrato but I kinda am now. At least he had some marginal ability to evaluate talent.
Scary think is I’m pretty sure the team was better when Cerrato was there. They weren’t good, but they were better than what we have now.
I wouldn’t count on it. Vinny Cerrato was around forever and everyone was ecstatic when he got canned. But Snyder will find sycophants somewhere and there is no reason to believe that he would replace Allen with someone equally bad or worse