
I skipped right past the whole article to leave this comment, and I only clicked on the article to make this comment. So I’d appreciate not talking about Endgame, which I haven’t seen. But the header image for the article, which is on the front page of the site, has two spoilers in it. Technically two, I guess,

Young clone of Palpatine, of course. And then at some point he’ll be aged into McDiarmid.

Here’s the thing: Dennis Hallum isn’t responsible for the artwork. He might have written the story, but he didn’t draw the artwork. I’m not even sure if he saw the artwork before it was published, but even if he did, he might not have seen what was controversial before others saw it. (Authors often have blinders where

On the contrary, incest is okay for the targaryens, even brother/sister. They have been doing it for generations, to keep the valyrian bloodline going. It’s only every other family that can’t do it.

Well, he does have experience with at least some of GOT’s pertinent major themes:

Really like that they will focus on backwards compatibility. I have both Xbone and Ps4 and primarily play on the latter, but I love how many older games I can play on the former. Replay all of Dragon Age and Mass Effect recently and just started an Lost Odyssey playthrough.

Does anyone know of a kinja ungreying service?

Sure they got rid of all the supernatural stuff that was interesting about the first game and made it an ancient zombie disease that infected like one guy. That also removed some of the cool sets that went with it. And they got rid of the great supporting cast of the story and replaced it with someone I can’t really

Bronze Tiger! Bronze Tiger! Bronze Tiger!

Look at Mr. Not-in-the-Bible-belt-with-his-fourth-grade-health-class over here.

Was waiting for this. Will read later on but just wanted to say continue doing the lord’s work.

“This Is The Face Of A Man Getting Pulled . . .

Umpire Tosses Dick Who Argued Balls And Strikes; Tossed Ball Strikes Umpire’s Dick And Balls

How is anyone defending this keep-away bullshit?

This is fucking hilarious, Smash is full of petulant manbabies. Perfect example of why nobody takes that community seriously.

I’d start with Season 2. You can go back to Season 1 later if you want, or just read a recap of everything major that happens that season. The foundation really starts getting laid in Season 2, and sets the groundwork for a fantastic Season 3.

“...forgiveness, redemption, and the power of love.”

This is just a bad defensive play all around. Gallo makes an awful throw, but the reason it buzzes the pitcher is he was late getting off the mound and into position, he never really gets into proper position, and he is late getting his head around. He should be deeper and more directly behind home plate but he was

With the way the football scores look for Red Raider games, counting above 60 isn’t the problem.