
Baker won best voice actor for the performance and the prologue is widely considered one of his better moments in the game. It’s also worth noting that Baker delivered that performance under vastly more difficult conditions (silly mocap suits in a bright white room).

Fully agree, top tier VA. This critique of his performance is equivalent to saying Christopher Judge was one note as Kratos after only watching the opening scene of him carrying that log.

Right? I mean, if someone didn’t like TLoU, that’s fine. I won’t argue.

But by what metric is Baker’s performance considered “poor” by any means? I thought all performers brought their A game to this project.

Like, if you want to criticize the presentation or the script or whatever, I get it. But some of these

Troy Baker did the motion capture, along with the voice actor for Sarah. Along with basically (or all?) of the voice actors. This is an embarrassing article. If you watch the behind the scenes making of the game documentary you’d see how much time was spent and what Troy Baker went through to voice and motion capture

Did Baker fuck his wife or something? Had to throw in “vastly” too. Uh ok? I played TLOU, Uncharted 4, and Bioshock 3 all within the same window of time and had NO idea until afterwards that Baker played the main/main-ish (Sam) character in all 3. He is very talented.

Why is this article taking shots at Troy Baker’s performance? I understand you didn’t particularly like the game (or know when it was released) but you can’t be ignorant of Bakers Joel being one of the most acclaimed performances in any videogame. It seems somewhat spiteful to chirp on about the superior Pascal based

Yeah, this article took kindof a weird shot at Troy Baker.  The guy is a very talented voice actor, and (correct me if I’m wrong) seems like an decent guy.

It seems a bit unfair to compare Troy Baker’s performance with Pedro Pascal’s. In the show, Pedro has...his whole body to act with? Or are you including 2013 animation (which was quite good, but not exactly human) as part of the “performance”?

Yawn, another (liberal) author for a video game website trying to take a hit at one of the most innovative men to ever live.”

Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.   

Also, not only does the movie goes out of its way to show that Strange’s time with the Darkhold wasnt without repercussions (which I guess might be limited because Wanda destroyed it in the end), but it also makes it clear that every single Dr Strange that has used it in other universes was corrupted.

Wanda was destined to become a villain since the day they decided to adapt the character from the comics, because that’s exactly what happens in the comics.

I mean, this critique would probably have a lot more merit in my opinion if MCU’s answer to Superman wasn’t a woman? With a multitude of diverse women heroes taking up residence in phase 4, (literally nicknamed M-SHE-U), I think this is an unfair observation. It’s just not true. It sounds to me like you just don’t

Yeah, I got (what I presume) are power bombs, but I can’t actually use them yet.

1981 woman right here, pretty sure I’ve been 25 for the last 15 years. Bonus, I also have the purile sense of humor of a 12 year old.

As an aside to make you feel old, here is a short list of interesting builds made before I was born:

That is plunked up. But typical of motherplunken EA. Plunk those guys.

If I had more than one star to give! I started reading the comics years ago and want to see it (for good or for frustrating) to the end. I thought the same thing you outlined but your cohesive, honest eloquence beats anything I could post. Thank you.

So what are you doing spending time coming here and commenting on the recap post? Find another way to waste your time. This no longer concerns you. Piss off.