(meanwhile, on the low, he’s secretly thinking “go on...”)
(meanwhile, on the low, he’s secretly thinking “go on...”)
“clueless, hueless and now-swimming pool-less” and “Gentrifier from the block”....
Missed an opportunity to call it “Life Is Strange: Hella Remastered”
Obligatory “fuck slideshows” comment.
If PS5 is your first Playstation console it’s a pretty sweet deal.
I doubt I’m the only use case but it’s definitely for me. I didn’t have a PS4 and am thinking about getting a PS5. One of the reasons I want a PS5 (besides obviously wanting to play PS5 games) is because I want to play any PS4 exclusives I might have missed. This seems like an easy way to do that.
Amen - there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the Bell-Shepards owning some apartments. In fact, as rental housing stock in LA goes, you’re much better off having a celebrity couple like them for landlords (they’ll fix things, if only to avoid bad press) than some real estate investment ghoul like Steve Mnuchin who…
Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%
Yeah I thought that was really weird to have here. They took the step when so many corporate landlords aren’t doing shit. Like why are they being called out here?
So Jezebel is in the “Property is Theft” camp now? Good to know.
I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.
The body I was born with, is it not what you wanted?
Jokes on the coronavirus - I didn’t even check my balance, so like Schrodinger’s 401k, it neither lost value nor gained.
Worth noting that if you break all nine of the Umbral Beast’s shield tiles you can interrupt the cast of Umbral Surge and attack with impunity for a little while. I found this to be the most effective method of dealing with it.
And yet you seemed to fit very comfortably in a 2-D pane of glass with a couple other people, Zod. Get over it.
“in a market that can’t get enough of big and stupid SUVs."
If someone messages me, “Are you in the right headspace to receive some information that could possibly hurt you?” and I wasn’t in the right headspace all that would do is create massive anxiety for me to find out what that was.
He didn’t. It’s one account - his Microsoft one... That is used to login to all Microsoft services including Xbox, Office 360, Mail, or anything else Microsoft...
Am I the only person who actually likes living with their spouse? This would make me super sad.
I’m really annoyed by this new trend of “Couples Who Live Apart Are Happier!”