
I’m all in favor of this. Scrap Mutt and give him a daughter or granddaughter. However, I have trouble getting past the idiocy of Joan versus Jones. Jones is a last name, gender neutral. A dumb way to illustrate a good idea. Still, a fan of the overall concept.

Stories away from the Skywalker family are what the anthology movies are for. Disney put themselves in this box when they emphasized how the main “Episodes” were the “Skywalker Saga”. So that means if they want to make main “Episodes” after IX, either Ben has to be redeemed (I’m thinking likely at this point) or Rey

Could also be him playing on her insecurities and doubt. If she’d ever considered that, he just highlighted it. They can really go any direction here.

Interesting to have “stakes seemed really low” and “Enterprise blown up” in the same sentence.

Wait, you thought Artemis was better here? Other than giving in to what felt like a stalker in the novel(Parzival), she was much more driven and A-type personality than in the movie. In the movie, only Parzival of the “good guys” consistently wanted to win it. Everyone else was very quickly cool with one of their

I honestly don’t remember what was unique about the Silver Age Hawkman. It seems like everything the last 30 years has been either Golden Age, Bronze Age, or some weird combination of both. But typically based on Golden Age. I felt like Zero Hour was mostly just an opporunity for them to try and “fix” Hawkman and

My local store has been pretty good at listening to customer feedback some in their layout. The home store (mine is part of a local/metro chain) tried to force some new layouts that were terrible, and local management didn’t follow suit when a couple of us in the store explained why it was such a bad idea. New books

I honestly think that few of the haters are old enough to have experienced seeing Empire without being able to immediately watch RotJ afterwards. I highly doubt Empire was considered the best of the series until after RotJ came and we saw how the story ended.

Remaster collections are a great way to make previous franchise entries available for still-active game series. Stand-alone, full-priced remasters are shitty cash grabs.

I’ll take a turbo button for Mega Man over a d-pad, especially pre-Megabuster.

Disappointed, because based on the headline I was thinking a NES classic/Wii-mote port style update rather than a mod.

Didn’t Florida literally change some gun laws like this week?

It was a Coco preview in November.

I remember playing Rampage a lot as a kid (mostly the NES port) and I never could have told you that the animals were supposed to be people originally. Even if that’s in the intro, it just didn’t stick with me.

Counterpoint - don’t wait for ANY person if you really want results. Empower yourself, period. Just because someone shares your skin color doesn’t mean they’re looking out for you. White people screw white people all the time. What’s Ben Carson doing for black people?

First - I disagree with the legislation. If they don’t have to report it, then they shouldn’t be allowed to collect it and use it.

I’ve told everyone I know to watch it twice before really judging. There’s so much to take in terms of content and tone that you’ll miss things and connections while processing stuff the first time through. I liked it a lot better the second time than the first.

After all, if you’re mad at O.J., you should be mad at anyone who kills an innocent, unarmed, defenseless human being and gets away with it.

I’ve been excited for this, and will still see it, but the more trailers I see, the more I think I’m going to like game reboot Lara better. One of the things I loved about the game is that she doesn’t really come off as much of a badass until the very end. She basically a student/young professional thrown into a

So, do you have reading comprehension issues or just enjoy being a troll who intentionally ignores context and facts?