
The Targets in our area suck. They sometimes have decent selection, but more often than not, half the area is empty. They just don’t keep up their stock, so if you’re actually looking to buy something, there’s a decent chance they don’t have it. Glad my local TRU isn’t on the list.

To be fair, the bar for acting most would use to compare is other CW shows, which is typically not good. I haven’t seen this yet (it’s in my DVR backlog), but I can’t imagine it being worse than most of the cast of Flash in season 1. I loved Flash season 1, but the acting was pretty awful through a lot of it.

I appreciate the continued numbering. Cancellations coupled with relaunches within a year of each other have always been a pet peeve of mine.

We’ll honestly probably never know the truth. It looks pretty ugly on the surface, with no detail, and it’s easy to point to racism given history. That said, the astronaut office is INCREDIBLY political (think office politics, not Washington politics), and it could be as simple as a personal conflict with someone,

Back in the late 90s or so when Green Lantern gave a decent amount of coverage to Kyle Rayner’s gay friend (Terry?) and his life and troubles, I felt like it was trying to be progressive like the old Green Lantern/Green Arrow books, but they were spending so much time on this side character it felt forced. Still,

You know there are errors bars on the Ancestry results, right? Some of them can be quite large. Some example error bars from mine:

Hey, Shatter did something!

Half of the complaints I heard were tied to the lack of obvious airlock or visible shielding covering the new hole. I thought there was room for an airlock, but it’s not obvious and at a glance it seems like opening the hatch should have sucked everyone out.

Mon-El never really had an emblem, though I guess the version right before Flashpoint used a tiny Superman emblem on the shoulder. Traditionally he’s just had a red getup with a blue cape. Not say we needed that exactly, but giving a red tint to his suit would make him look a little less Zod-like in the photo, with

If a story is set in an galaxy filled with damn near infinite numbers of planets and species, it stands to reason that there are inhabitants who are not heteronormative. Yet none of them have been in a Star Wars movie, that we know of. Star Wars needs to fix this, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but

 Of course they’re failing now. NASA is planning to use a ton of them for internal and external imaging on at least Orion, possibly SLS. It’ll be just like every other random part or process that’s retired before NASA gets around to actually using it...

Pretty sure it won best Comedy or Musical, and none of those movies had nominations for best director (nor do they usually I think). It does seem weird though that she got a nomination for the screenplay, but not as a director.

You can think what you want, and so can I. Great thing about our country. For instance, I think you’re a hateful person, fully, who has some problems with reading comprehension.

The middle ground here is shrinking fast. More and more people don’t care if rape or incest is a factor, when that used to be a more common “allowance” on the conservative side.

Fucking New Englanders and their one-upsmanship. “Oh, you guys got flooded from Harvey? We’ll, WE got flooded and our flood waters FROZE!”

The Sarah Connor Chronicles was pretty good, got a second season, and then was left to die on huge cliffhanger. So even when there is success, there is failure.

Nothing you say will make the statement “We are for you” anything but the textbook definition of an endorsement. Just stop.

You’ve stayed overnight in hotels, right? Especially in more budget type hotels, I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had a maid knock on the door at something like 7:30 AM, announce themselves, and open the door all within about 3 seconds while I’m still trying to wake up from the knock. This has been WITH a “Do

The family has the right to grieve however they wish. This particular request does come off as divisive and counter to the activism previously seen, but grief is its own animal, and the family has the right to proceed how they choose.

Once he got up and started moving he looked good, but something was way off when he first appeared.